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December 2020

Planning ahead? View January's resources

Featured December 2020 — THE RIGHT TIME

But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons (Galatians 4:4).

Icebreaker: Perfect Timing – Share a situation when God’s timing was different from your own.

Devotion — New: Time Out

Bible Study — New: The Right Time (with Leader Guide)

Mission Service Project: Contact a local foster care organization for needs and assemble care packages for children entering foster care.

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

Weekly Stewardship Meditations: Each week, a mediation upon a Bible verse will be posted here:

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.

View a different month's resources 

November 2020

Planning ahead? View December's resources

Featured November 2020 — GOD, YOU WANT ME?

And I heard the voice of the LORD saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me” (Isaiah 6:8).

Icebreaker: Truth Tellers – Share a time when you followed the Lord’s prompting to share the Gospel with someone. What happened? 

Devotion — New: God, You Want Me?

Bible Study — New: A Life-Long Mission Trip with Leader Guide

Mission Service Project: Make plans with your group to go on a short mission trip. Go to and click on “Serve” to find out about current mission service opportunities.

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

Weekly Stewardship Meditations: Each week, a mediation upon a Bible verse will be posted here:

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.

View a different month's resources 

October 2020

Featured October 2020 — LORD, I CAN’T HANDLE THIS!

[Cast] all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you (1 Peter 5:7).

Icebreaker: Stressed Out—Not! – What is an effective way that you handle stress?

Devotion — New: Be Still

Bible Study — New:  Lord, I Can’t Handle This! (with Leader Guide) 

Sketch — New: Wearing the Armor of God—Really!

Mission Service Project: Organize a team of women from your congregation to assist a person currently living in a stressful situation with housework, meal preparation, childcare, transportation, and so on. People in need of such assistance might include a cancer patient, an older adult with no relatives in the area, a mom who cares for a child with a physical or developmental disability, or an individual recovering from surgery.

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

Weekly Stewardship Meditations: Each week, a mediation upon a Bible verse will be posted here:

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

September 2020

Featured September 2020 — WORKING TOGETHER

Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind (1 Peter 3:8).

Icebreaker: All Together Now – Divide into groups of three. In three minutes, name as many activities as possible where it is necessary to have more than one person involved to get the job done.

Devotion — New: Working Together in His Strength

Bible Study — New: Working Together (with Leader Guide) 

Mission Service Project: Plan a work day to help a local mission organization, school, or other Christian organization with a big project (e.g., painting, landscaping, remodeling). Invite people of all ages from your congregation to join in the project.

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

Weekly Stewardship Meditations: Each week, a mediation upon a Bible verse will be posted here:

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

August 2020

Featured August 2020 — BEING CONTENT AND SINGLE

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).

Icebreaker: Alone Time – What is a favorite activity that you like to do when you have time to yourself?

Devotion — New: It Would Have Been Enough

Bible Study — New: Being Content and Single with Leader Guide

Mission Service Project: Invite a single woman for coffee or brunch after a Sunday worship service. Talk together about her talents and strengths. Work with her to find a way to share her strengths and talents meaningfully with others as she serves the Lord. 

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

Weekly Stewardship Meditations: Each week, a mediation upon a Bible verse will be posted here:

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

July 2020

Featured July 2020 — BUT, GOD, WHAT IF … ?

[Jesus said,] “Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” (Matthew 6:34).

Icebreaker: Encouraging Words – Share a Bible passage that helps to calm and encourage you when you are anxious or troubled.

Devotion — New: Be Happy, Don’t Worry

Bible Study — New: Encountering “What Ifs” on the Expressway of Life (with Leader Guide) 

Mission Service Project: Make refrigerator magnets featuring the Bible verses shared earlier in the Icebreaker. Encourage participants to share their magnet with someone facing a troubling or challenging situation.

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

Weekly Stewardship Meditations: Each week, a mediation upon a Bible verse will be posted here:

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

June 2020

Featured June 2020 — FINDING A LIFE-LONG MATE

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her … In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself (Ephesians 5:25, 28).

Icebreaker idea: Mate Debate – What do you think is the most important quality or trait for a husband to have and why?

Devotion — New: Faithful Mates

Bible Study — New: God’s Purposes for Marriage (with Leader Guide) 

Mission Service Project: Invite a single woman in your congregation to lunch. Have a listening ear toward her concerns. Mentor and encourage her to take part in activities your group has planned, especially Bible study.

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

Weekly Stewardship Meditations: Each week, a mediation upon a Bible verse will be posted here:

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.


LWML Resources