
Program Helps — Bible Studies

Choose from a delightful selection of well-written Bible studies to round out your next LWML workshop or small group gathering. The downloads are available for FREE. Topics are noted beside the titles and resources recently featured as program helps are also noted as “new.”

View alphabetical listing below or browse by:

Alphabetical Listing of Program Helps Bible Studies

Actions Speak Louder Than Words — Sometimes — Christian Living, James

A Fountain of Blessings (with Leader Guide) — Trials, Blessings

A Journey of Joy (with Leader Guide) — Joy in the Journey

A Life-Long Mission Trip (with Leader Guide) — Missions

All Things Through Christ — Christian Life, Discipleship, Encouragement

New! A Lot of Tough Love (with Leader Guide) — Family Times

Always Thankful (with Leader Guide) — Christian Living

An Age of Grace (with Leader Guide) — Christian Living, Women of the Bible, Seasons of Life, Service

A New Spring Wardrobe — Christian Living, Fashion

A Private Line — Personal Spirituality, Prayer

Are You an Encourager? — Christian Life, Encouragement, Personal Sharing

A Servant Leader (with Leader Guide) — Leadership, Relationship with Others

Balancing Life’s Challenges (with Leader Guide) — Dealing with Down Days

Being Content and Single (with Leader Guide)

Blessed to be a Blessing (with Leader Guide) — God’s Blessings, Sharing Jesus, Using Gifts and Talents

New! Blessings in RelationshipsRelationships with Others

Bought with a Price — Given a Purpose (with Leader Guide)Relationship with God

Bountiful Abundance — God's Bounty, Provision

Care for the Long-Distance Caregivers (with Leader Guide) — Caregiving

Celebrate! You are a Promise  — Christian Life

New! Chosen and Treasured (with Leader Guide) — Relationship with God, Treasured

Come to the Living Water — Personal Spirituality

New! Created for God’s Work (with Leader Guide) — Christian Living, Witness, Service

New! Comfort and Hope … to Share — Comfort and Hope

Decisions, Decisions (with Leader Guide) — Christian Life

New! Destroying Walls (with Leader Guide) — Relationship with God, Relationship with others, Struggles and Challenges

Dilemmas and Decisions  — Making Decisions, Trust

Discovering Yourself — Attitude, Care and Concern

Divine Muscle — Encouragement, Christian Living, Strength

New! Do, Love, Walk (with Leader Guide) — Christian Living

Educated in Christ — Spiritual Growth, Christian Living

Encountering “What Ifs” on the Expressway of Life (with Leader Guide) 

Faith over Fear (with Leader Guide) — Fear, Trust

New! Family Matters — Women in Christ's Geneology (with Leader Guide) — Witness, Service

Fools of the Bible (with Leader Guide) — Christian Living, Wisdom

Freedom in Christ — Holiday

From Empty to Full (with Leader Guide) — Easter, Comfort and Hope

From Fear to Faith + The Reformation Story (with Leader Guide) — Reformation Story

From Good to Better to Best (with Leader Guide) — Easter

Go Ahead, Jump! — Encouragement

God Above All Gods — Almighty God

God’s Purposes for Marriage (with Leader Guide) 

God’s True Desire For His Children (with Leader Guide) — Christian Living, Service

God's Valentine to Us — Valentine's Day

Gold, Frankincense and Me! (with Leader Guide) — Christmas, Epiphany, Mites and Missions

Go Tell It — Discipleship, Witnessing

Grace-Full Women (with Leader Guide) — Joy in the Journey

His Love, Our Love — Love, Christian Living

How to Pray (with Leader Guide) — Relationship with Others, Prayer

How to Show Christ’s Compassion To Those Who Face Chronic Conditions (with Leader Guide) — Caregiving

Humble Hearts — Personal Spirituality

I am the Heart of LWML (with Leader Guide)

I Hate to Wait — Christian Living

Jesus Is My Confidence! with Leader Guide — Christian Living

New! Job’s Journey of Joy (part 2) with Leader Guide — Joy in the Journey

New! Joy in the Journey (Psalm 16:11) with Leader Guide — Joy in the Journey

Joy in the Journey — Christian Life

New! Legacy for Life (with Leader Guide) — Family Times

Let the Little Children Come to Me — Discipleship, Personal Spirituality

Lift Up Your Eyes (with Leader Guide) — Relationship with Others, Witnessing

New! Living Hope in a Graveyard (with Leader Guide) — Comfort and Hope

New! Living in Love (with Leader Guide) — Relationship with Others

Living in the Days of Noah — Today — Christian Living

Lonely for Others — Dealing with Down Days

Lord, I Can’t Handle This! (with Leader Guide) 

Loving and Respecting Authority (with Leader Guide) — Relationship with Others

Making Lent an Opportunity (with Leader Guide) — Joy in the Journey

Maturing in the Word — Spiritual Growth

Meeting Trials with Tears of Joy — Joyful Tears, Trials

Mentoring New Moms (with Leader Guide) — Relationship with Others

Mining Hidden Talents (with Leader Guide) — Caregiving

More Sins, Please (Study & Answer Guide) — Saved Despite Sinful Life

Mountaintop Adventures — Transfiguration

Never Stop Growing — Christian Life

O My Father — Prayer

Our Daily Bread — Prayer

New! Out of Sight but Not Out of Mine (with Leader Guide) — Caregiving

Parenting with the Lord's Help (Study & Leader Guide) — Parenting, Christian Life

Pass/Fail — Christian Life, Discipleship

Prepare, Then Share — Discipleship, Witnessing, Fishing

Raising Christian Children — Confirmation, Christian Life

Resolutions — Epiphany, New Year

Restored — Comfort and Hope

Seasons of Life — Bible Knowledge, Families

Self, Self, Self — Christian Living, Focus

Seventy-five Years Serving Our Lord — 75th Anniversary

Sharing Our Gifts as We Work for the Lord (with Leader Guide) — Christian Life, Relationship with Others

Simply Jesus — Comfort and Hope

Surrender — Faith, Trust

Steadfast in Christ (with Leader Guide) — Apostle’s Creed, Christian Living

Stillness in the Seasons of Life — Christian Life

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Receiving Care from Others (with Leader Guide) — Caregiving

The Loss of a Child (with Leader Guide) — Comforting Others, Child Loss

Then Act — Compassionately — Christian Living, Kindness

The Right Time (with Leader Guide) — Christian Living

The Sweet Gospel Message (with Leader Guide) — Christmas, Christian Living

The Where and How of the Father’s Field — Witnessing, Service

Town Crier: Listening, Hearing, and Doing (with Leader Guide) — Relationship with God

New! Turning the Sailboat (with Leader Guide) — Seasons of Life, Vocation, Turning Points in Life

Train Up a Child — Family Times

New! Treasured by God with (Leader Guide) — Relationship with God, Treasured

True Worship Hinges on Honor — Honoring God, Worship

We Await His Coming — Advent, Christmas 

We Begin Anew — Thankfulness, Healing, New Year

New! Wellspring of Life (with Leader Guide) — Wells and Water

What Do You Mean, Be Still? (with Leader Guide) — Advent

When Love is Lost — Relationship with God

Who’s Number One? — Almighty God, Christian Living, Priorities

“Why God?” Trusting in God’s Goodness In Times of Disappointment and Anger (with Leader Guide) — Comfort, Trials

New! Women of the Bible — Women of Today (with Leader Guide) — Relationship with God, Relationship with others, Women doing God's work

Women with Jesus at the Cross and the Tomb — Lent, Women of the Bible

Working Together (with Leader Guide) 


PowerPoint Bible Studies

Bread of Life — A series of analogies about the types of ‘spiritual bread’ we may describe ourselves as; and the one true “Bread” that leads to real life.

Sing to the Lord a New Song — “At the center of a busy life, deep fatigue and profound weariness can empty our souls. There is simply not enough time to enjoy God, family and neighbor. Where can our souls be refreshed? Where can we be made new?”


LWML Resources