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October 2019


pastors during church service

We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work (1 Thessalonians 5:12– 13).

Icebreaker idea: Influencers – Briefly tell about an authority in your life who has influenced your life positively, and how she or he did so. 

Devotion — New: Showing our Pastors and Church Workers Love and Respect

Bible Study — New: Loving and Respecting Authority (with Leader Guide)

Mission Servants Project: Invite your pastor to your group meeting and recognize him for his service. Or, plan a Sunday morning reception to honor your pastor(s).

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

September 2019

Featured September 2019 — GRACE-FULL WOMEN


Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you (Ephesians 4:32).

Icebreaker idea: Showing Grace – In small groups of 3–5 women, take turns sharing with one another a positive quality about someone in in your small group.

Devotion — New: A Grace-Full Woman

Bible Study — New: Grace-Full Women (with Leader Guide)

Sketch — New: Coffee Shop Grace

Mission Servants Project: Plan this month to do one or more specific acts of grace (e.g., create a card or gift to show appreciation for a friend, your boss, your pastor, or a home-bound member in your congregation; pay for the lunch of the person behind you in line; phone or visit someone who is recently widowed).

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

August 2019

Featured August 2019 — JOY IN THE JOURNEY

nullSet your minds on things that are above (Colossians 3:2a).

Icebreaker idea: Travels – If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

Devotion — Opening: Faith is … Setting Our Minds on Things Eternal
Devotion — Closing: Simple Trust (The End is Just the Beginning)
— New: Journey

Bible Study — Select from the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, Summer 2019.

Mission Servants ProjectENCOURAGE women on their personal faith walk by hosting a “Joy in the Journey” salad luncheon or supper. Provide babysitting for women with young children. Ask several women from your group to share some experiences from their own faith walks. Use one of the devotions for this month. Pray for one another’s needs. 

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

July 2019

Featured July 2019 — PEACEFUL REST

For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from Him (Psalm 62:5).

Icebreaker idea: Peace and Quiet – What relaxing activity do you enjoy after a long and stressful day? 

Devotion — Opening: The Restless Soul
Devotion — Closing: Peaceful Rest

Bible Study — Select from the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, Summer 2019.

nullMission Servants ProjectEQUIP the women in your congregation with a variety of LWML  resources to help them carry out quiet times with the Lord. Select and purchase LWML resources such as Mustard Seed packets, “A Sparrow’s Worth” devotional journal, and “God’s Grace for Growth” flip calendar. String a hammock in a prominent place in your church and place the items in it for women to take and use. Label the hammock, “Resources for Peaceful Rest.” 

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

June 2019

Featured June 2019 — JOYFUL CELEBRATION

This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24). 

nullIcebreaker idea: Celebrations – Share a joyful celebration that has happened in your life. 

Devotion — Opening: What Day is This?
Devotion — Closing: Noisy Love
— New: Joyful Celebration

Bible Study — Select from the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, Summer 2019. If copies of the printed Quarterly do not arrive in time for the group's meeting, consult the LWML website to download the online version of one of the Bible studies from that corresponding Quarterly magazine.

Mission Servants ProjectENGAGE your congregation and community with a 
“Celebration Day” festival. Choose any Saturday you like and plan a number of activities that praise God for His love, His salvation, His creation, and for all that He does for us. Include games, snacks, perhaps a Bible story puppet show, and be sure to include an area where this month’s opening devotion, “What Day Is This?” can be presented. To maximize your message, try to plan your celebration in a local park where families gather for ballgames or other activities. 

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

May 2019

Featured May 2019 — GREATEST LOVE

For Your steadfast love is great above the heavens; Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds (Psalm 108:4).

Icebreaker idea: Greatest Influence – Name one person that has had the greatest influence in your life. 

Devotion — Opening: The Joy of Being Loved by God
Devotion — Closing: Kindness
— New: The Greatest Love

Bible Study — Select from the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, Spring 2019.

nullMission Servants ProjectENCOURAGE the police officers and firefighters in your community with cards of thanks for the care  they provide. Prepare a meal or some dessert items and drop them off with the cards at your local stations. At your society meeting include a special prayer for God’s continued presence with these community servants. 

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

2019–2021 reSOURCEs for Planning Programs

cover for reSOURCEs for Planning Programs

This “grab and go” resource provides two years of thematic monthly meeting plans. You can print as many copies as you need of any of the resources which include Icebreakers, Devotions, Bible Studies, Sketches, Mission Servants Projects, and Mission Grant References.

or FREE as a download: reSOURCEs for Planning Programs


LWML Resources