
Lutheran Woman's Quarterly

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Spring 2024

cover of Winter 2023 Lutheran Woman's Quarterly

Winter 2023

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Summer 2023 Quarterly cover

Summer 2023

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View past issues in the LWQ archives here.


Select articles or portions of articles of the Lutheran Woman's Quarterly are available for reading online, but not the entire magazine. We encourage you to order an individual print or eQuarterly (or both for the same price!), one-year subscription for $7.50 by calling the Business Office during business hours at 1-800-252-LWML(5965) or by Ordering Online! After one year has passed, complete versions of past issues will be available for online reference in this same location.

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Quarterly Bible Study Archives

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Want to be published in the Quarterly?

Freedom as Children of God

SPRING 2025 (Submit by 10/1/24)
How has God’s gift of freedom been manifested in your life? Exhortation? Joyous worship? Turning the other cheek? Stepping out in faith? Praising the Lord and doing good?
… that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God (Romans 8:21).

Bear One Another's Burdens

SUMMER 2025 (Submit by 1/1/25)
We were not made to “go it alone.” How have you helped others through grief, disappointment, lies, loss of a loved one, weariness, indecision, heartbreak ….?
Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2).

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LWQ Writer Guidelines

LWQ Bible Study Guidelines

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