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Faith Building Help for Groups 2021–2023 Planner

Faith Building Help for Groups is the planner for 2021–2023. This planning resource includes over 50 new devotions, songs, Bible studies, and sketches to encourage your faith. This two year planner replaces the previous title, ReSOURCEs  for Planning Programs.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrew 12:1–2). 

One of the greatest joys as Lutheran Women in Mission is to run the race of faith proclaiming the glory of the Triune God and tell the truth that salvation is found only in Him. The purpose of the Faith Building Help for Groups manual is to help you do this with joy! Every Bible study, devotion, sketch, and song contained in this manual has been LCMS doctrinally reviewed so you can use them with confidence knowing that they truthfully proclaim God’s Word. The materials in this manual have been designed to help you reach the “woman in the pew” so that she can grow spiritually, joyfully join her LWML sisters in Christ, and spread the Word in service to Him.

Download the printable PDF of the planner

Faith Building Help for Groups 2021–2023

Monthly Schedule of Resources


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June 2021

Featured June 2021 — WOMEN AT WORK FOR THE LORD

All the women whose hearts stirred them to use their skill spun the goats’ hair (Exodus 35:26).

Icebreaker: Gainfully Employed – What was your first job? 

Devotion — New: Women at Work for the Lord

Bible Study — New: Sharing Our Gifts as We Work for the Lord with Leader Guide

Mission Service Project: Donate women’s clothing suitable for job interviews to a local social service agency or women’s shelter. Many women entering the workforce often do not have clothing that they can wear as they search for employment.

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

Weekly Stewardship Meditations: Each week, a mediation upon a Bible verse will be posted here:

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

May 2021


Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).

Icebreaker: Training Ground – Name a Sunday school or home devotional activity that made an impression on you as a child and now as an adult.

Devotion — New: Raising Children Who Love Jesus

Bible Study — New: Raising Christian Children with Leader Guide

Mission Service Project: Invite the children of your congregation to a “May Basket” activity. Make cards that share the Gospel message. Place the cards into small baskets along with a potted garden or indoor plant. Have the children help you deliver these baskets to homebound members of your congregation.

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

Weekly Stewardship Meditations: Each week, a mediation upon a Bible verse will be posted here:

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

April 2021

Featured April 2021 — FROM GOOD TO BETTER TO BEST

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57).

Icebreaker: Always Easter – What are some ways that we can celebrate Easter every day?

Devotion — New: On Solid Ground: Living & Sharing Jesus’ Easter Victory

Bible Study — New: From Good to Better to Best (with Leader Guide)

Mission Service Project: Plan an Easter victory party for your congregation to be held two or three weeks after Easter. Read the Easter story from one of the Gospels. Sing Easter hymns. Make a craft featuring the message, “He Is Risen” as a take-home reminder for participants that every day we can rejoice in the salvation and eternal life Jesus has made possible for us.

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

Weekly Stewardship Meditations: Each week, a mediation upon a Bible verse will be posted here:

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

March 2021

Featured March 2021 — JESUS’ SERVANTS

… through love serve one another (Galatians 5:13b).

Icebreaker: Define It – What does it mean to be a “servant?” 

Devotion — New: Jesus’ Servants

Bible Study — New: God’s True Desire For His Children (with Leader Guide)

Mission Service Project: Host a foot washing Lenten event at your LWML meeting. Have each person bring her own dishpan. Have gentle body washes, washcloths, and hand towels available. Pair participants together. Have partners take turns washing and drying one another’s feet. As the foot washing takes place, have a volunteer read out loud: John 13:1–17.

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

Weekly Stewardship Meditations: Each week, a mediation upon a Bible verse will be posted here:

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.

View a different month's resources 

February 2021

Planning ahead? View March's resources

Featured February 2021 — COMPASSIONATE CARING

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God (Ephesians 5:1–2).

Icebreaker: Showing Christ’s Compassion – Share a time when someone showed Jesus’ compassion to you. How were you helped?

Devotion — New: Compassionate Caring

Bible Study — New: How to Show Christ’s Compassion To Those Who Face Chronic Conditions (with Leader Guide)

Mission Service Project: Phil’s Friends is a non-profit group that specializes in care for individuals fighting cancer. Go to for information on how your group can help with care packages and other needs. Or, contact a similar group in your area to volunteer.

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

Weekly Stewardship Meditations: Each week, a mediation upon a Bible verse will be posted here:

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.

View a different month's resources 

January 2021

Planning ahead? View February's resources

Featured January 2021 — AFRAID OF WHAT?

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7).

Icebreaker: Facing Fears – What is the most frightening experience you’ve ever faced?

Devotion — New: Afraid of What?

Bible Study — New: Faith over Fear (with Leader Guide)

Mission Service Project: Make or purchase fleece blankets or small stuffed animals to donate to your local law enforcement agency, fire department, or social service agency to give to children for comfort in crisis situations such as car accidents, fires, or natural disasters.

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

Weekly Stewardship Meditations: Each week, a mediation upon a Bible verse will be posted here:

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, reSOURCEs for Planning Programs, found here.

View a different month's resources 


LWML Resources