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Lenten Journey

Two Minute Tuesday

Tomorrow, February 14, is Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of our Lenten journey as we follow our Savior, Jesus, to the cross.  The church year begins with the first Sunday of Advent during which time we prepare ourselves to welcome Jesus, the Babe of Bethlehem. 

January 6th marks the beginning of  Epiphany, when the Magi arrive to worship King Jesus and present Him with their gifts.

So now we begin the journey that culminates at the cross. May I suggest checking out the LWML website,, for wonderful devotions, including the Mustard Seed devotions, to use during this Lenten season.  The Son of God  came to this earth to die for us, for all of us!  He loves us so much that He wants us to be with Him.  What Good News – our sins are forgiven because of what Jesus did for us on the cross and on Easter morning at the empty tomb!  Blessings on your Lenten journey this year!

Valerie Biberdorf
LWML North Dakota District President

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Joy in Resting in God's Promises

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This is the day that the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it  (Psalm 118:24).

Do you know someone who always is complaining or is just chronically in a bad mood? It is difficult to spend time with them.

On the other hand, I have a widowed neighbor who is being treated for cancer. When asked,  “How are you doing?” he replied with a true smile, “I have been sick all night, and can’t eat much, but everything else is great.” Another friend is undergoing chemotherapy treatments. It has been rough. She tells how this is a bump in the road, and God upholds her every step of the way. Faithful family and friends pray for and support her. As these friends meet their challenges, their strong faith is a witness to everyone they meet. They look to the Lord for peace and in doing so, become an inspiration for others.

We are all sinners and live in a sinful world. Whether we are facing major burdens or our life is burden free, as Christians we know that Christ has atoned for our sins. There is joy in resting in God’s promises. We can live joyfully as we look forward to eternity with God.

As Lutheran Women in Mission, we can express that joy each day, and witness God’s love to all we meet.

Margaret Hesemann
LWML Minnesota South District President

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Are You Ready for CHRISTmas?

Two Minute Tuesday

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests” Luke 2:14.

Remember the theme for LWML Sunday? It was “Be Ready In Season and Out of Season.” It’s Advent Season and it’s our time to prepare for the celebration of Christmas.

No, I’m not talking about decorating your home, or decorating your tree. Don’t think about the Christmas cards you want to send or the gifts you want to buy. Don’t think about the cookies you want to bake. So many things to think about, but are you ready for Christmas?

Advent season gives us the opportunity to look back at the miracle and joy of Christ’s birth.  Advent season gives us the opportunity to look forward to the miracle of Christ coming again.

Find some quiet time for yourself, your Bible, and your thoughts. If you’re blessed to sit in the glow of a decorated Christmas tree and meditate on the birth of Christ, enjoy that special time. If you’re blessed to sit by a box of ornaments waiting to go on the tree; take time to meditate on God’s gift to you of a babe born in the manger and know the peace and joy found there.

Christ was born for you and me. We are blessed children of God and it’s the season to bask in the glow of Christ’s love.

Merry Christmas!

Mary Harrington
North Wisconsin District President

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My Gift For Natalie

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…  the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 6:32b

Many of us are challenged with finding the “perfect” Christmas gift for our grandchildren and loved ones.   Ever thought about gifting a legacy of your faith? 

Just an idea:  Soon I’ll have finished reading my granddaughter’s Bible.  Daily I’ve underlined, highlighted, made notes and written monthly letters to Natalie, all in the Bible that will be gifted to her.  Next year, January 2018, I’ll start on Ella’s and then all five of our grands will have been gifted my legacy of faith via their personalized Bible.

The Lord’s richest gift to us, as sinners, is eternal life.  Share this gift with your grandchildren or loved ones through their personalized Bible.  They’ll not only grow in their faith walk, but so will you!

May the Lord richly bless you and your LWML society during this Advent season as we make plans to celebrate the birth of our free gift, Jesus!

Danyne Six
LWML Wyoming District President

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Stop and "Refresh"

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I will sing of the steadfast love of the Lord, forever; with my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations (Psalm 89:1).

What’s happening with you?  Are you busy scurrying from one project to another?  Do you seem to never have enough time for LWML, church, family, work, or chores?  How are you going to accomplish all the tasks for which you’re committed?

The Time is NOW to take a minute to stop and “refresh” or “reload.”  Schedules, time, and commitments will always be a factor in our lives, but we must take time to focus on our Lord. 

As Psalm 89 states, we should keep our focus on the Lord and His will for us, take time to be in His Word, and in prayer for His guidance, leadership, and help. “Letting go and letting God” keeps our Lord at the forefront of all we do, and as we remember His steadfast love for us, our workload seems to lessen — or maybe our attitude becomes more positive and thankful.  Our purpose in LWML and as Christians is to make known Your faithfulness to all generations. We never do this alone, but by the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, with a song in our heart and on our lips as we do His will, let’s take time to focus on our Lord, who loves us, saved us, and will one day take us to be with Him in heaven.  Now is the time to sing of His love and faithfulness as “refreshed” we share that love with others in all that we do.

Sylvia Bean
Rocky Mountain District President

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What's Your Verse?

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As a fourteen year old girl kneeling at the altar rail on Confirmation Day, I was listening intently to the Scripture verses that were given to those around me — because I knew which one I wanted! And then it happened — someone else got MY verse. Disappointed, I listened as my pastor came to me. At the time the words he read did not mean a lot to me, “Serve the Lord with gladness, come before His presence with singing.” Psalm 100:2. Ok I got the singing part, I liked to do that. But SERVE THE LORD? With GLADNESS? Little did I or the pastor know how meaningful that verse would become to me. Now I, along with thousands of other Lutheran women, do indeed serve the Lord with gladness.

Have you thought about your confirmation verse lately? Is it a special promise that the Lord is fulfilling in your life? Is it a directive to guide your daily activities? Is it a word of comfort or strength that you cling to in difficult times? There are no coincidences. God directed your pastor to select just the right verse for you. If you have not thought about your verse for some time, find it and see how it relates to your life in Christ today.

Judy Lessmann
Gulf States District President

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Give a Heart!

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“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 (ESV)

Around Valentine’s Day people get all hyped up about cards, candy, and flowers.  There can be lots of last minute rushing around followed by disappointment and let down because we did not get what we wanted for or from our loved one. 

Let’s gather a group of our LWML sisters, lead a devotion like, "His Overflowing Love" on website.  To share this love with others we can have the group cut out a bunch of hearts and write a Bible verse on each heart.  Any time of year we can give these hearts to others as a reminder that God gave us the best Valentine ever when he gave his Son, Jesus Christ.

Lynnette Campbell
LWML CA-NV-HI District President

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