
Word — The Time is NOW

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Unfailing Love

At times when my sin has been heavy on my heart, Isaiah 54:10 has brought me great comfort. “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you (NIV).

As I try to imagine Jesus approaching Jerusalem and his impending death, it seems He might similarly have said to His disciples and to us, “Though I will be scorned and despised, though I will be tortured and nailed to a tree, yet I will do this because I love you.”

Jesus went into His suffering and death knowing full well how much it would cost Him. During this Easter season, may we come to appreciate the depth of the love He has for us. Recognizing His unfailing love for us, let us also share that love with our families and those around us who don’t yet know Him.  For more about God’s unfailing love, see the LWML Bible Study Bought with a Price — Given a Purpose.

Vivian Nelson
LWML Ohio District President

You’ve Got Mail

Two Minute Tuesday

Have you ever wondered how to reach out to the women of your congregation who aren’t able to attend your local LWML group? They may be in a nursing home, or the timing of your meeting doesn’t allow them to attend. The LWML Mailbox Member Program (MMP) is an intentional way to reach the women of your congregation. MMP can be found under Group Resources located under the Service tab on the LWML home page at

This monthly program is designed to connect women to the Word through the Bible studies and articles in the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly and to service opportunities available through the LWML and local groups.

The Mailbox Member Program gives you a guide on the type of information and devotions you can send out to the ladies of your congregation either in person, by email, or postal. The program enables us to connect with the women of our congregations to let them know we are praying for them and encouraging them to be in God’s Word.

In Christ,
LaurieAnn Totenhagen
LWML ND District President

Joyfully Proclaim Christ!

Two Minute Tuesday

Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord (2 Timothy 1:2).

Childhood memories come to us through our senses of touch, taste, sight, smell, and hearing. Reading the 2024 LWML Prayer Service immediately placed me in the pew at St. John’s as a child, hearing these words as Pastor Berwald began his sermon. The decades swiftly passed but Paul’s greeting remains true. We continue to receive God’s grace, mercy, and peace. How can we share the Prayer Service?

  • Follow with food.
  • Host a servant event afterward.
  • Invite church workers.
  • Share with residents of nursing homes. 
  • Forward to missionaries.
  • Download the 2024 Prayer Service

Some have been blessed to know the grace, mercy, and peace of God their whole lives, others still need to hear it. Share the Prayer Service with your LWML sisters and reach out joyfully proclaiming grace, mercy, and peace from Christ with others.

Lisa Kamrath
LWML Minnesota South District President 

Jesus' Light Shines

Two Minute Tuesday

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it" (John 1:5).

While waiting for daylight to overcome the winter darkness minute by slow minute, take time to look at the church’s altar. Often a floral bouquet bordered by two lighted candles provides a welcoming table for the distribution of Holy Communion.

Symbolically, one candle represents the humanity of Jesus Christ, the other His Godhead. The light of the world is true God and true Man. Our Lord has overcome the darkness of our world and our sinful hearts by taking that sin upon Himself. Look at the altar with renewed eyes when partaking of Jesus’ very body and blood through the bread and the wine in Holy Communion. “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). As winter’s darkness wanes and daylight lengthens, follow Christ the Son who has overcome the darkness of sin and death.

Terri Denniston
LWML Wyoming District President

Celebrating Epiphany

Two Minute Tuesday

“Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him” (Matthew 2:2).

The joyous anticipation of the birth of the Christ child has passed but continues to be celebrated. The twelve days between December 25 and January 6 are often called the “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” Epiphany, January 6, celebrates the visit of the Magi to the Christ child.

Those twelve days after Christ’s birth should be an ongoing celebration of excitement and wonder for all Christians. What a blessing God gave us! 

The Wisemen from the East fell down and worshiped Jesus as King. As we worship and offer our gifts to the Christ child, let us remember that Jesus is King forever!

The webpage has several devotions, readings, and Bible studies which could be used to help us reflect and learn about the Magi and how they came, worshipped, and adored Jesus Christ.

May we honor and glorify our Savior as the Magi did!

Kathleen Brandt
LWML Minnesota North District President

God’s Plan

Two Minute Tuesday

In 2011, LWML published a book titled, “God Gave the Increase,” written by Marlys Taege Moberg, Lauren Beale, and Janice Kerper Brauer. This book chronicles the work of LWML Mite offerings throughout Europe. Africa, and Asia. Since 1942, LWML has provided assistance to the hurting, forgotten, and needy throughout the world through our mite offerings.  As we celebrate this season of Reformation, let us not forget that even though our plans might be worthy, it is ultimately God who gives the increase. Martin Luther might not have known that his actions on that fateful day in Wittenburg would affect the whole world, but God knew and was the One Who knew the plan that was being carried out. We have no reason to fear when we know God is in control!

Shelley Stewart
LWML Rocky Mountain District President

Proclaiming God’s Word

Two Minute Tuesday

Now that the convention is over, you want to tell everyone about Lutheran Women in Mission — the LWML. The joyful spirit of fellowship at a large gathering of women seeps from your pores.

Every quarter uplifting LWML moments are published to help you share. The Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly can be distributed to all who missed the excitement you felt. If your church only orders a few, pass them around. Use the Bible studies and look for points of interest.

I admit I have been carrying my Quarterly around and telling everyone about LWML. But I must confess, I have a selfish reason. My granddaughter Kalli graces the cover of the Summer 2023 edition. Although I have written Bible studies and other articles for the LWQ, I have never been more excited to share this one.

Isn’t that the case for most of us? The more we are involved, the more we want other people to know about it. I hope that is how you feel about LWML. Get involved and spread the word about the love of Jesus.

Terri Bentley
LWML Utah-Idaho District President


LWML Resources