
Word — The Time is NOW

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Be Constant in Prayer

Two Minute Tuesday

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. (Romans 12:12).

My friend and I keep a datebook beside our recliners where we list names and key words to pray over each morning: “Roxann — new job.” “LWML — mite giving.” “Carolyn — wisdom and strength to care for ailing husband.” My friend’s journal has a "Please" side and a "Thank You" side to help her remember to ask AND give thanks.

None of us can or will write all of our prayers. We just pray. Waiting for the light to change, standing in the checkout line, watching a ball game, waiting for the oven to heat or the microwave to ding, and hundreds of other "little times" are opportunities to pray. And God knows all the rest of the words when our hearts pray only "Please!" and "Help!" and "Thank You!" My faith is strengthened and my joy is increased when I look back and see God's answers to my prayers.

Dianna Just
LWML Oklahoma District President

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Precious Jesus

Two Minute Tuesday

Matthew 1:21 – She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for He will save his people from their sins.

A common expression used when seeing a baby in person or online is “He is just precious!” Christmas is just around the corner and again we celebrate that wonderful birth of Jesus. A hymn puts it, “Jesus, Jesus, Precious Jesus.”  He is so precious because He came to take our sins on Himself and give us the gift of eternal life.  Another song emphasizes it by calling Jesus more precious than silver, gold, or diamonds. Of all the gifts we give or get this Christmas, Jesus is still the very best and most precious.  

Sandy Hardies
Past Vice President of Communication 2005–2009
Gift Planning Advocate - Current

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It Only Takes a Minute

Two Minute Tuesday

Do you lead a very busy life? Do you struggle to have time with God? It only takes a minute to read the online daily Mustard Seed Devotion that will give you strength and joy all through the day.

Take two worthwhile minutes out of your busy daily schedule and consider sharing your heart for Jesus Christ with the women in your community. Ask a neighbor to join you in studying the Word. Encourage a congregational sister to go to the next LWML rally or district convention with you. Use the gifts and talents with which God has equipped you to serve the Lord and thereby serve His people.

Help make an impact on this generation and the next. It is Tuesday—you have two minutes—Grab your Bible!

Sally Handrick
Mission Grants Committee Chairman

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Grace is not based upon luck

Two Minute Tuesday

St. Patrick’s Day means wearing green, leprechauns, and a pot ‘o gold at the end of the rainbow. Thank goodness our grace is not based upon luck.

A reminder of just how special God’s love is for you, I recommend checking out the LWML devotion book, “You are Precious” by Alma Kern. Given to me as a gift when I was a Young Women Representative to the LWML Pittsburgh Convention, I am just getting around to finally reading it. What a wonderful reminder that our salvation is not a stroke of luck. It’s a gift to us through His abundant sacrifice and grace. We are the redeemed children of God. 

Marie McNary
Information Technology Committee Chairman

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A Fresh Start

Two Minute TuesdayWow, it’s almost 2016!  This struck me as I purchased a 2016 calendar.   

As a child I remember writing/drawing on a plastic film which covered a black, waxy surface beneath, a predecessor to today’s “Etch-a-Sketch.” When I messed up or finished drawing, I simply lifted the plastic film and just like magic everything was erased.

2015 is practically behind us - soon we’ll have a fresh start to the calendar’s blank sheets. One thing in our favor is the forgiveness of sins. Just like my childhood toy that carried the impressions of past works of art and failures, once I lifted the plastic film, the slate was clean. Likewise, with the Lord’s forgiveness comes a clean slate. He remembers our past no more as He grants forgiveness through His Son, Jesus.

This perhaps is a good way to think of what may lie ahead in 2016.  A fresh start. The Time is Now to engage in time set aside to daily be with the Lord in prayer and Bible study, meditating and absorbing His words for life, and walking daily with Him. “Serve the Lord with Gladness.”

Marilyn Schroeder

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Two Minute Tuesday“Detox” – That little word has been tossed around quite a bit over the past few years. It has become synonymous with de-stress. It seems fitting to use the word detox right now as we have been inundated over the past few months with holiday “stuff” – jingles, decorations, music, advertisements, traffic and the like.

However, these past few months have also been a joyous time, filled with the celebration of our church heritage (beginning with Reformation); giving thanks for the bounties God has bestowed on us at Thanksgiving; and completed with rejoicing throughout Advent and at the birth of the Savior at Christmas. Sadly, the commercialism and intensity of the world’s idea of how we should spend our days during the holiday seasons can stifle the pure joy of why we celebrate these holidays.

The Time is NOW… to detox! Block out the sounds, lights and cacophony of your surroundings, and sink yourself into quiet time with your Lord. Meditate on and rejoice at the riches that you have been given by Him – the gifts of faith, love, and eternal life.And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen. (1 Peter 5:10-11)

Cheryl Hamil
Christian Life Committee

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It's Everywhere

Two Minute Tuesday

It’s everywhere. It’s constantly around you in restaurants, doctors’ offices, hotel lobbies, shopping malls, and elevators. You probably don’t even realize it because its purpose is not meant to be a distraction, but rather something rather calming and soothing — background music!

Unlike background music, we have the Word of God which is both soothing and comforting, and yet directive. After all, it is the Gospel! Soothing words of forgiveness, powerful words intended to change our lives, encouraging words to motivate us into action so that we live our lives completely for Him. It’s the Gospel we need to hear — it’s a melody that should capture our attention. It’s the power to change and a song that should surround our heart and life. The Time is NOW to share that Gospel song of forgiveness, encouragement, and motivation with your sisters in Christ!

Marilyn Schroeder
Convention Chairman 2015
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League

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