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5/31/2020 Weekly article

Washed Clean in Christ

During this time of social distancing and closed gyms, I have been walking a lot. During my walk this past Sunday, our worship service was being broadcast on Facebook. I turned up the volume and listened as I walked.

Our pastor was focusing on the fact that even though we are not in church, we are being the church wherever we are. We don’t need a building to share the Gospel, to pray for others, or to confess our faith. Even though we are separated from our church family, we are still children of God through our Baptism. Then our pastor made the connection between Baptism and all the hand washing we are to do every day. When we wash our hands, we are reminded of Jesus washing away our sins.

Through Baptism, we have been made sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. He says, “I have called you by name, you are mine” (Isaiah 43:1b). Look on the LWML website for devotions on Baptism that will remind you that you are washed clean in Christ.


5/24/2020 Weekly article

Sharing Love

Our world seems to have been turned upside down since March 2020 when the effects of a pandemic hit the shores of our country. The “enemy” was an unseen, deadly virus that affected people from all walks of life — young, old, professional, unemployed, healthy, weak — its effects did not discriminate.

The LWML devotion “I Have Loved You With An Everlasting Love” shares a delightful story about a little girl who drops a message out of her window only to be picked up by a stranger walking by. The message: “To Whoever Finds This — I Love You!”

What a wonderful way to be reminded that we are loved — by God, by friends and family, by strangers. We are loved and we are encouraged to share love.

Sharing love can take many different forms — phone calls instead of hugs, written notes instead of lunch gatherings, personal prayers instead of corporate worship. No matter the method — the message is the same — God loves us all.


5/17/2020 Weekly article

This Day in History

Past events intrigue me. An internet search reveals that on May 17, 1525, the duke of Lutherans beat rebels in the Battle at Zabern! Alaska became a U.S. territory on May 17, 1884. Israel and Lebanon signed a peace treaty on this day in 1983.

I marvel at how much this world has changed and the pace at which it has occurred. My dad told stories of how he rode a donkey to school. That way of life doesn’t seem possible only 85 years ago!

Even though our world changes rapidly, God is changeless and is always with us. Because of the sacrifice of His Son, we know that, when Jesus comes again to gather His people, we will live with Him in all eternity. See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are (1 John 3:1a).

For a positive spin on change, see this LWML leadership tip. YOU can make an impact on your LWML local group gatherings.


5/10/2020 Weekly article

Trust and Quietness

This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength” (Isaiah 30:15a NIV). Have you considered the COVID-19 pandemic a wakeup call? It has reminded me to repent, to rest, to find quietness, and to remember to trust in God.

I confess that I struggle with wanting to control things in my life. On more than one occasion, I have been reminded to “let go and let God.” This pandemic may just be a gift as God has helped me to refocus, to rest, to remember my priorities, and to serve Him and others! My days have been restructured and I have found more time for both spiritual and physical rest.

Will you join me in finding ways to rest in God’s Word? Go to or download the LWML app for your smartphone. You will find Bible studies, devotions, podcasts, and more!

Karla Koehler

5/3/2020 Weekly article

This Website — Your Go-to Inspirational Source

I am the LWML President and yet I am continually amazed at the information and resources available with the click of a button on this website. I refer to every day. As I answer questions from the board of directors, LWML district presidents, members, and others interested in what this mission organization does and why, I find most of my responses right here on this website.

As we continue to deal with the impact of COVID-19, we find ourselves turning to technology as we reach out — to encourage and find encouragement, to find the perfect resource or Scripture passage, and to stay in touch with our family and friends.

Let this website become your go-to source for inspiration. Visual faith and Bible journaling have become popular avenues of retaining what you study. LWML podcasts allow you to listen while you work or drive. Devotions and Bible studies are available on almost every topic. And if you don’t know where to find something, you can just ask and someone will point you in the right direction!

In His service, surrounded by His grace,


4/26/2020 Weekly article

New Online Bible Study Opportunities

LWML Podcasts: The Task-Filled Life Bible Study

LWML Facebook Live Overflowing Abundance Bible Study Series

In the day of my trouble I call upon you,
for you answer me
(Psalm 86:7).

Life has changed! Before COVID-19 we were engulfed in the busyness of living. When the stay-at-home orders hit, my weekly Bible studies were put on hold. I miss those precious times spent in Bible study with others. To help us focus on Christ, LWML is offering two different free Bible study options: The Task-Filled Life is an audio Bible study through the LWML On The Go Podcast, and Overflowing Abundance is a video Bible study on Facebook.

In The Task-Filled Life, author Jan Brunette states, “We have a God who stretches through time and space, a God who enables us to view Him not only as a God of the past, but also of the here and now. He lives and loves to care for us, supplies our spiritual needs, and provides strength for our multi-faceted, task-filled lives.”

Join Becca Futty as she leads us through this Bible study on the weekly LWML On The Go Podcast. We will explore five common excuses often given when presented with a challenge. Download a free copy of The Task-Filled Life at to follow along.

In Overflowing Abundance, we look at the Biblical account of Jesus feeding the five thousand. Author, Donna Pyle (Snow) reminds us “Instead of irritation or anger about thwarted plans, Jesus experiences compassion. He understands His mission is to teach about the kingdom of God, to allow people to glimpse it in Him.”

Donna will be live on Facebook each Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. central time, beginning April 28, 2020. Join us as we look at Matthew 14:13-21. Download a free copy of Overflowing Abundance at and join your friends world-wide as we study God’s Word together.

Susan Brunkow


4/19/2020 Weekly article

Adding Joy to Daily Giving

Have you ever noticed how adding an element of movement, fun, music, or service to a daily routine can make it more enjoyable? Like dancing while you dust, leaving notes when you pack lunches, singing as you check emails, or praying as you fold laundry?

Have you ever noticed that getting someone to move, play, sing, or serve along with you can also make it more enjoyable?

I would say most Lutheran Women in Mission already find great joy in giving to mission grants, but it sure doesn’t hurt to add an element of joy to the process. This month, consider using – and sharing – the monthly mite challenge calendar. It contains an idea each day to both bless your mission giving and the lives of others through prayers and acts of kindness.

Are you ready to find joy by adding something new to your daily routine?

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (Galatians 5:22-23a).

Eden Keefe


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