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9/6/2020 Weekly article

Thanks to Honey

September to Remember

She is an energetic and creative force, and the biggest cheerleader, all wrapped into one person. When I first met her, she said, “Hi! My name is Honey.”

For the past 18 years I have come to see that no one seems to have a more fitting name. Honey Pabst is very active in the LWML at the group, zone, and district levels. She always has a way of encouraging people to be part of LWML, she comes up with great ways to meet together both for service and fellowship, and she is committed to supporting the work of the LWML and the mission of the Gospel.

She does all of this with a seemingly ever-present smile on her face. She is an inspiration simply by her devotion to LWML and her love for the Lord. I have been blessed to know Honey, and to be continually encouraged by her to this day. Thank you, Honey, for your faithfulness to Christ and for your servant heart!


9/5/2020 Weekly article

Thanks to Karen

September to Remember

A good friend of mine, Karen Devan, influenced and encouraged my involvement in LWML. Her support helped lead me to say “yes” to serving as a Young Woman Representative to the 1994 LWML Eastern District Convention. From that experience, I was intrigued with all the wonderful opportunities there are available through the LWML.

Karen’s encouragement continued through the years, suggesting that I take on leadership roles in my local group, zone, and district. I served as president, vice president, and treasurer for my group, and as president of my zone. In addition, I served as treasurer, vice president of communication, and president of my district, and held the title of Public Relations Director. Currently, I am active at the national level, serving two terms as the LWML Information Technology Committee Chairman.

“Serving the Lord with Gladness” is more than a tagline for the LWML. By saying “yes” to serving, the Lord continues to bestow His blessings, allowing me to joyfully encourage others to spread the Good News near and far.

In His Service,

Kathy Pavelock

9/4/2020 Weekly article

Thanks to Karen

September to Remember

God wisely chose Karen Avenson to serve as LWML Texas District Capitol Zone President in the fall of 1992, and I had the privilege of serving alongside her as secretary-treasurer.

Since our zone was very large, two delegates were sent to the Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, LWML Convention in 1993. Our zone's rules at the time stipulated that, along with the president, the secretary-treasurer would attend LWML conventions, serving as the second delegate. I was privileged to attend this pivotal convention with Karen and learned so much.

Throughout our terms, Karen mentored me in her kind, calm, and quiet manner, enabling me to learn my responsibilities and grow in my leadership skills. She taught through example and encouragement, and by delegating tasks in a loving and patient way. Karen made doing LWML work a blessing and a joy for me. She and I have served together on other projects over the years, and she still serves as an advisor to me as needed.

Lois Teinert

9/3/2020 Weekly article

Thanks to Ida

September to Remember

Ida Mall, LWML President 1991–1995, influenced and encouraged my involvement in LWML. Her support helped lead me to say “yes” to serving as LWML Public Relations Director during her presidency.

When I was newly married, my husband’s first pastoral call was to Covington, Louisiana. I had been invited to join the local LWML when I lived in Wisconsin, but I did not attend meetings because I thought the organization was for older women! Now, as the pastor’s wife, I felt obligated to be involved in LWML, but when we were told not to put pennies in the Mite Box because they were too difficult to count, I was convinced again that LWML wasn’t for me.

The Lord had a different plan. Soon, it became our turn to host the zone rally. Ida Mall was our zone president, and at the beginning of the meeting, to my amazement, Ida proceeded to welcome every person (100 or more) by his/her first name! I thought to myself, “Wow! I will be involved in LWML with gifted women like this!”

I’ve participated ever since and am honored to be surrounded by intelligent, creative, and servant-hearted women!

Karol Selle

9/2/2020 Weekly article

Thanks to Jeanette

September to Remember

Jeanette Priebe (1990-1994 LWML Utah-Idaho District President) influenced my involvement in the LWML. Her support led me to say “yes” to serving as our Western Zone President.

Our zone has few Lutheran churches, and that fall’s zone rally only had about 30 women in attendance. No one offered to serve in elected positions. Jeannette stepped forward and said, “No one leaves until we have a zone president!” Her eyes fell on me and, like they say, the rest is history. I was sent as a delegate to the LWML 1991 Convention in Cleveland, Ohio.

My involvement increased as I held various district offices, served on national committees, joined Navajo mission trips, and worked on convention host committees. Although Jeanette moved out of our district shortly after serving her district presidency term, she gave me that initial shove to experience the rewards of feminine fellowship and serving the Savior.

Now I speak and write for the Lord through LWML on a regular basis, and nothing brings me more joy than to help others follow this precious path.


9/1/2020 Weekly article

Thanks to Sue

September to Remember

Sue Anderson, a former LWML Rocky Mountain District President, influenced and encouraged my involvement in LWML. Her support helped lead me to say “yes” to serving first as the district’s Vice President of Servant Resources and then as its president.

Sue & husband Lee on their 59th wedding annivesary

When I first met Sue, I hadn’t been involved in LWML very long. Sue was serving as our district president and was presiding over a board of directors meeting. Her love for the Lord showed in everything she did. She welcomed me with open arms, gave me an LWML hug, and always encouraged me to stay involved in every level of our wonderful organization. By watching Sue, I was able to say “yes” to the opportunities as they arrived.

The blessings I have received over the years include

  • the many long-term friendships I’ve made, first with the women in the district and now on the national level;
  • growth in leadership in all areas; and
  • opportunities to serve the Lord through LWML.

Words of thanks go out to Sue Anderson and my gracious Lord for encouraging me in my walk with Jesus!

Mary Marten

8/30/2020 Weekly article

The Time is Right — To Keep Learning

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18a).

Throughout the United States, children are returning to school for a new year. For some it will be their first time in a preschool or kindergarten classroom; for others it will mean moving from home to attend a college or university. Still others will home school or participate in a form of virtual learning. Regardless of the setting or the age of the students, the purpose of school is for students to learn, and to be able to continue learning, the knowledge and skills they will use throughout their lives.

What about you? Are you a lifelong learner? It may have been a few years (or quite a few) since you have participated in formal education, Sunday School, or confirmation instruction, but you can kickstart your education today and grow in grace and faith through the study of God’s Word. Select “The Word” from the drop-down menu at the top of this page to get started!

Ruth Badciong


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