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9/15/2024 Weekly article


I am an avid sports fan, a nut if you ask my husband. I enjoy watching teams from all diverse levels of sports and you will find me in the stands or in front of a TV screaming my head off. Sports bring me joy. This past year was filled with many such celebrations. My nephew’s team won state in football. The Dallas Mavericks played for the championship. The Texas Rangers won the World Series and then the USA won medals at the Olympics. Celebrations galore!

The Bible mentions a crowd celebrating. Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance (Luke 15:7). I do not know how the angels celebrate a sinner repenting, but I cannot wait to see that celebration in person. Just think, they celebrated you! The Holy Spirit placed faith in your heart, Jesus’s sacrificial death, and resurrection guarantees you will be there. Celebrate!

Cheryl Mattil

9/10/2024 article

A September to Remember

two women smiling
Christy and Eden

This year I am honoring Christy McCombs. Christy uses her gifts of creativity, leadership, and organization on many levels, and having her as our local group president is an incredible blessing. She includes a devotion, Bible study, or a Gospel-focused activity from the LWML website when we get together, and keeps us informed of mission service opportunities, upcoming events, and progress on our mission grants. Basically, she lives out our mission statement: As Lutheran Women in Mission we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others. And — bonus! — she does it in a gracious way that encourages others to get involved.

Does this sound like a leader in your group or zone? Or like someone in your district? Consider honoring that person with a donation today, our “September to Remember” Giving Day, and by sending a personal thank you!

Donate Now

Eden Keefe

9/8/2024 Weekly article


This morning, I spent time browsing! Oh, it may not be what you think. I didn’t go to the mall or store, and I wasn’t looking online at all the lovely things I could purchase at a store. I spent hours browsing the LWML website. Have you ever done this? I recommend it!

I am generally a “task oriented” person who goes onto the LWML website and heads right to what I need and prints it off. Oh, I might read a few Mustard Seeds, Bible studies, mission grant stories, or mission service activities to find just the right one I need. But this morning — Wow! Have you looked at all the spiritual growth, special ministries, and church worker in mission resources, plus the tool kits, the printables? With all the information on each webpage, I could be reading the joy and inspiration through Christ Jesus for days.

We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 1:3).

I am browsing on …

Leslie Colligan

9/1/2024 Weekly article

Laborers into His Harvest

And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Luke 10:2).

Many of us may think of Labor Day as the end of summer and a time to do something enjoyable before the fall activities begin. My husband and I plan to visit our out-of-state grandsons prior to school starting. Did you know that Labor Day is recognized in the USA as a holiday to recognize the works and contributions of laborers?

Jesus tells us in the passage above to pray for the sending of laborers into His harvest. As Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML), we strive to pray for all church workers and our mighty mites help support the sharing of the Good News throughout our country and the world.

Does your local LWML group help support a missionary? On our website is a Missionary Care Flyer that can assist you in ways to encourage a missionary and their family. One thing we often sent to missionary friends was packages of ballons for their kiddos. Whether it be a card of encouragement or a package of treats, remember those laborers out in the mission fields.

Arlene Naasz

8/25/2024 Weekly article

Get Back into the Word

Christ Be My Leader (LSB 861) urges us to follow Jesus, the way, the truth, and the light.

As many head back to school (teachers and students), it is comforting to know that Christ will be our leader, by night as by day. Verse two of the hymn goes on to ask Christ to be our teacher all our days. The best way for Christ to be our teacher is to study his Word. For many of us, this is also a time for us to get back into the Word with our small groups, Bible class at church, and at our LWML meetings.

To help you get back into the groove this fall, check out the many wonderful Bible studies at In addition to the Bible studies found in our Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, we have many, many Bible studies available for free download from our website, such as Experience the Joy–Then Share It! written by Miriam Maassel Neumann. There are short/single session studies as well as long/multi-session studies. You can also find Bible studies to purchase such as Donna Snow’s Unshakable and Karol Selle’s A Missionary? Me? No Passport Needed.

I hope you will join me in praising the Lord and thanking him for the many Bible study resources LWML provides us. These doctrinally reviewed resources keep us in the Word and focused on Jesus, the light of the world.

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12).

Anita Werner

8/18/2024 Weekly article

‘Trust’ My August Word

Recent changes in my life have encouraged my trusting in the Lord and not in myself. Proverbs 3:5 says: Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

I remember often saying, “You can trust me!” to my family and friends. I wanted to be known as a trustworthy person and worked hard to instill that quality in our children.

The last month has seen me put my home of 24 years on the market and purchase a much smaller condo in town. There were days when I didn’t trust my decisions. Recently, I went for a walk in a local garden to think and rest. I found a bench to sit on and when I looked around, I saw the Sacred Heart of Jesus statue with the words of Proverb 3:5.

As I meditated on those words, I realized I had not been putting my trust in the right place. A peace came over me as I looked to my Lord, and I knew once again how especially important trusting totally in the Lord is. I prayed. I cried. I rejoiced that I was given these powerful words of the Lord for this time in my life.

Are you looking for a trustworthy friend? Turn to the Lord and cherish that He has everything under control and is your trusted friend.

I encourage you to read or listen to the Mustard Seed Daily Devotion: “A Heart Full of Trust.”

Karol Selle

8/11/2024 Weekly article

Worry — Not me

Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble (Matthew 6:34).

Jesus instructs his disciples and us not to be anxious. This is hard to do sometimes. The storms of life bear down on us and how can we not worry?

We remember that our Lord is with us no matter what. Nothing can separate us from Him. Even if things do not go according to our plans, we are protected and loved.

Sometimes we can’t get past our fear and take matters into our own hands. There are so many examples in the Bible of faithful believers struggling to wait on the Lord. God is always faithful even though we are not.

How can we as Lutheran Women in Mission share that peace with those around us?

We share the Gospel message and treat those around us with kindness and compassion. God is in control when the world seems out of control.

Worry? Not me.

Interested in another devotion on this topic? Here is the link to the Be Happy, Don’t Worry devotion written by Tina Landskroener.

Debbie Yocky


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