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August 2023

Featured August 2023 — Family Times

Bible Study — New: A Lot of Tough Love with Leader Guide

Devotion — New: Grandma's Building Blocks (Proverbs 3:5–6)


Mission Service Project: A different Mission Service Activity will be featured each month at

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

Weekly Stewardship Meditations: Each week, a mediation upon a Bible verse will be posted here:

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, Faith Building Help for Groups, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

July 2023 — Women Doing God’s Work

Featured July 2023 — Women Doing God’s Work


From the new 2023–2025 planner, Equipping Saints to Serve!

Bible Study — New: Created for God’s Work with Leader Guide

Devotion — New: Sent to the Nations

Sketch — Updated: Where Do I Find That?




Mission Service Project: A different Mission Service Activity will be featured each month at

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

Weekly Stewardship Meditations: Each week, a mediation upon a Bible verse will be posted here:

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, Equipping Saints to Serve, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

Equipping Saints to Serve 2023–2025 Planner

Equipping Saints to Serve is the planner for 2023–2025. This planning resource includes over 50 devotions, Bible studies, and sketches to encourage your faith. This two year planner replaces the previous title, Faith Building Help for Groups.

And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:11–13).

One of the greatest joys as Lutheran Women in Mission is to use the gifts with which we have been equipped to proclaim the glory of the Triune God and tell the truth that salvation is found only in Him. The purpose of the Equipping Saints to Serve manual is to help you do this with joy! Every Bible study, devotion, litany, sketch, or program contained in this manual has been LCMS doctrinally reviewed so you can use them with confidence knowing that they truthfully proclaim God’s Word. The materials in this manual have been designed to help you reach the “woman in the pew” so that she can grow spiritually, joyfully join her LWML sisters in Christ, and spread the Word in service to Him.

Download the printable PDF of the planner

Equipping Saints to Serve 2023–2025

You may also purchase a paper copy of Equipping Saints to Serve 2023–2025 by calling the LWML Office at 1-800-252-5965 or ordering online here.


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July 2023

Featured July 2023 — Christian Living

close-up of woman walking down path outside in nature, wearing athletic shoes

Bible Study — New: Do, Love, Walk with Leader Guide

Devotion — New: Let’s Take a Walk (2 Corinthians 5:7)


Mission Service Project: A different Mission Service Activity will be featured each month at

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

Weekly Stewardship Meditations: Each week, a mediation upon a Bible verse will be posted here:

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, Faith Building Help for Groups, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

June 2023

Featured June 2023 — Relationships with Others

Smiling hispanic teenage girl with cerebral palsy in the kitchen baking cookies with woman

Bible Study — New: Blessings in Relationships with Leader Guide

Devotion — New: Finding Hidden Talents


Mission Service Project: A different Mission Service Activity will be featured each month at

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

Weekly Stewardship Meditations: Each week, a mediation upon a Bible verse will be posted here:

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, Faith Building Help for Groups, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

May 2023

Featured May 2023 — Caregiving

woman being comforted; hands held

Bible Study — New: Out of Sight but Not Out of Mine with Leader Guide

Devotion — New: A Quiet Place (Matthew 14:14)


Mission Service Project: A different Mission Service Activity will be featured each month at

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

Weekly Stewardship Meditations: Each week, a mediation upon a Bible verse will be posted here:

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, Faith Building Help for Groups, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.

April 2023

Featured April 2023 — Joy in the Journey

woman hiking up a barren rocky hill

Bible Study — New: Job’s Journey of Joy (part 2) with Leader Guide

Devotion — New: Shine (Matthew 5:16)


Mission Service Project: A different Mission Service Activity will be featured each month at

Mission Grant Resources: A different grant will be featured each month, downloadable for your use.

Weekly Stewardship Meditations: Each week, a mediation upon a Bible verse will be posted here:

This is excerpted from the 2-year planner, Faith Building Help for Groups, found here.
Browse program helps by type here.


LWML Resources