Get Back into the Word

Christ Be My Leader (LSB 861) urges us to follow Jesus, the way, the truth, and the light.

As many head back to school (teachers and students), it is comforting to know that Christ will be our leader, by night as by day. Verse two of the hymn goes on to ask Christ to be our teacher all our days. The best way for Christ to be our teacher is to study his Word. For many of us, this is also a time for us to get back into the Word with our small groups, Bible class at church, and at our LWML meetings.

To help you get back into the groove this fall, check out the many wonderful Bible studies at In addition to the Bible studies found in our Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, we have many, many Bible studies available for free download from our website, such as Experience the Joy–Then Share It! written by Miriam Maassel Neumann. There are short/single session studies as well as long/multi-session studies. You can also find Bible studies to purchase such as Donna Snow’s Unshakable and Karol Selle’s A Missionary? Me? No Passport Needed.

I hope you will join me in praising the Lord and thanking him for the many Bible study resources LWML provides us. These doctrinally reviewed resources keep us in the Word and focused on Jesus, the light of the world.

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12).

Anita Werner