
Missions — The Time is NOW

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Your Mites Touch Lives

Two Minute Tuesday

Do you realize what an impact your mite offerings have in the world?  Are you aware of how many lives are being touched by the grants that the LWML supports?

In Tanzania in 2013, I saw first-hand the work of the Lutheran Malaria Initiative (a grant from 2011-2013) and met people who were alive because of LMI; people who now could hear the life-giving Word of God. Helping distribute quilts (a grant from 2009-2011) to those who had few possessions reinforced that act of service done by so many of our supporters.

Our grants do make a difference; share that with one other woman you know! The time is now to let people know about the grants and how they, too, can participate.

Janice Wendorf
LWML President 2007-2011

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What is The Time is NOW?

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Share His Good News

Two Minute TuesdayWe saw the empty tomb; we faithfully and joyfully worshipped our risen Lord not long ago on Easter Sunday. But there are those who didn’t have that experience.

It’s our privilege and responsibility as Lutheran Women in Mission to reach out to those who do not know Jesus as Savior. It can begin simply by sharing a smile and kind words.

Nurture a relationship with someone who doesn’t know Him. Wait for the opening God will give you to share His Good News.

Stay connected to our risen Lord and keep the joy of Easter morning worship alive! Join your LWML sisters in Bible study, praise, and service to others. Then share the joy of our risen Lord … because The Time is NOW!

Sherrie Smith
Leader Development Chairman 

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You Are a Missionary!

Two Minute Tuesday

Share with someone your love of the LWML today! You may simply respond like this:

Lutheran women all over the world gather offerings (mites) in their Mite Boxes. As they give their mites, they pray for those missionaries who will share Jesus’ love with those who may not know Him. They pray for those who will be fed, physically and spiritually, with the help of these gifts. As women gather together for Bible study or mission service, they combine their mite offerings with others and the offerings grow. The mites continue to multiply as each group sends their offering to support district grants. Their districts then send a portion to national, and mission grants are prayed and paid for! And the Word of the Lord is shared.

Anyone can be a part of this exciting adventure! Share your favorite mission grant story (current mission grant resources found at with someone new and ask them if they’d like to participate. The big picture of mission grants becomes personal, and allows us to be individually involved in missions. 

You are a missionary. With the Holy Spirit, you are able to share this with someone today. The Time is NOW!

Debbie Larson
LWML Public Relations Director

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Thank the Lord and Sing His Praise

Two Minute Tuesday

“Thank the Lord and sing His praise; tell everyone what He has done … Alleluia, alleluia” (Lutheran Service Book, page 164).

As Thanksgiving Day approaches, we can feel overwhelmed by the busyness of this national holiday. We have to clean our house for the visiting relatives, buy the turkey and all the trimmings, set the table for the feast, make sure there are enough chairs in front of the television for the football fanatics, and try to remember where we put that turkey platter after last year’s dinner.

As Americans we can’t help but be caught up in the day’s hype; as Christians we can move beyond it. We know that November 27 is just one of the 365 days this year when we can thank the Lord for what He has done for us. The Time is NOW to tell our family and friends why we are thankful for God’s mercy and grace, and for the work of the LWML in spreading His Gospel throughout the world!

Barbara Volk
LWML Parliamentarian

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Purple Opportunities

Two Minute Tuesday

Do you always wear your LWML purple clothing and accessories to LWML events?  Did you ever stop to think that everyone there knows what the purple is all about? How about also wearing purple clothing and accessories, pins, scarves etc., as you go about your everyday life? You may be given the perfect opportunity to witness about the mission of our wonderful organization and at the same time, share about what God has done for you. Give it a try … The Time is NOW!

Pat Reichert
Vice President of Special Focus Ministries 

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Baby Steps

Two Minute Tuesday

Parts of the LWML mission statement include the words “assist each woman” and enable her “to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world.” The Time is NOW to begin to fulfill this mission statement.

Think of these words as you look around your congregation. Then ask someone who is not involved in LWML if they would pray for a specific mission that is important to you. Help them take a baby step towards “serving the Lord with gladness.”  Then as you build a relationship with her, invite her to join you at an LWML event.

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing” (1Thessalonians 5:11).

Shelley Moeller
Vice President of Gospel Outreach

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Mite Box? or Might Box?

Two Minute Tuesday

Mite – a coin of small value.

Mite Box – a box used to collect mites for mission support.

Do the women in your circle of friends know the power of a mite when God uses it for His purposes? Do they know the story of the widow’s mite (Mark 12:41-43)? Do they know that a Mite Box changes into a Might Box for missions when all our gifts of love are added together?

YOU can order a free Mite (Might) Box for every woman in your congregation. Click on the “Shop” tab at today! The Time is NOW!

Carolyn Blum
LWML VP of Organizational Resources

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