
Missions — The Time is NOW

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Created for a Purpose


Monday’s Bible school began with God made the universe.  As I encouraged children to learn (Psalm 139:14) I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, I tried to push out of my mind that a relative was undergoing his third series of endoscopies to locate internal bleeding.

Tuesday, as doctors struggled to bring healing, I leaned on the promise that God keeps His word, And now, O Lord God, You are God, and Your words are true (2 Samuel 7:28). Doctors were led to the bleeds, and did what they could.

Thursday’s lesson preparations continue, bringing comfort. For God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).

Regardless of my relative’s healing or physical death, I know God created, God maintains, and God receives all who believe in His promises.

Lord, please enable me to share this truth with the world through LWML mission work. Amen.

Barbara Kaun
LWML South Wisconsin District President

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Never Lose Heart


Since God in his mercy has given us this ministry, we never lose heart (II Corinthians 4:1 REV).

In Georgia Lutherans are few and far between; small LWML groups are the norm. I well know the struggle to get more women involved. Often the focus is more on increasing numbers than the LWML mission and it’s hard not to lose heart. Years ago God showed me that even two can do something, so I choose to focus on our LWML mission and vision, knowing that if we are “serving with gladness,” others will see our joy and come to work alongside us.

To remind myself of this, and to share with others, I use II Corinthians 4:1 in my email signature.

Trish Aamoth
LWML Florida-Georgia District President

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A Greater Freedom to Celebrate


Tomorrow, our nation will be celebrating its independence and freedom with parades, fireworks, barbeques, and family gatherings. Citizens of the USA are proud and thankful for living in a country that provides “liberty and justice for all.”

But there is a greater freedom to celebrate — the freedom Jesus provides with His grace, mercy and death on the cross. He has made us truly free — now this is a cause for real celebration.

And Jesus does not want us to keep this celebration to ourselves — He wants everyone to know they have been freed from their sins. Our LWML Mite Box offerings do just that. Men, women, and children can support our national and district mission grants through their prayers and Mite offerings. These ‘Mighty Mites’ will keep the good news of salvation and ‘freedom’ flowing around the world.

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom
(2 Corinthians 3:17).

Barbara Belanski
LWML Northern Illinois District President

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Mission Education


Do you remember the LWML object — Mission Education, Mission Inspiration, and Mission Service? I am probably dating myself, but I remember dividing reports into these three areas. We change the language periodically, but this object has remained:

The LWML seeks to develop and maintain a greater mission consciousness among women of the LCMS through education, inspiration, and service.

A local society shares information on a recipient of a mission grant each month at their meetings. One member volunteers to do the research on the LWML and LWML District websites and then writes an article for the church newsletter. In turn, the entire congregation gets mission education every month.

The bonus: Mite box offerings increase when people understand where the mites are going!

Debbie Curry
LWML Texas District President

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Be Ready to Share Your Love of Jesus


My mother and I stopped at an Amish farm for eggs. During our time there, I visited with the farmer’s wife about adoption, sharing things that my mother and I had not previously talked about. When we left the farm my mother said, “You are a missionary.” It was because of my willingness to share the love of Jesus with another person that prompted her to recognize this. All LWML women are missionaries! Always be ready to share your love of Jesus with others. You never know whose life you will touch.

But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15).

Joan Berquist
LWML Iowa East District President

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Gospel Opportunities


Gospel Opportunities — “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15a ESV).

God opens a door of opportunity for us in everyday circumstances and the Holy Spirit has perfect timing. Some of these opportunities might be:

A sales person in tears from the previous customer.

On a flight of 300 people, you are sitting next to someone very anxious about flying.

A coworker or fellow volunteer who is on edge with fulfilling their responsibilities.

You are asked a few days before your daughter is having heart surgery how you can be so calm.

Be prepared through prayer, having God’s Word in your heart with the knowledge that the Holy Spirit is with you. Show Everyone your Love in Christ by words and actions, because whether intentionally or not, you will BE a witness in all you do. Always remember to give God the Glory!

Sharon Roegge
LWML SELC District President

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A Trip to Germany


These things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name (John 20:31).

My husband and I were privileged to accompany an LWML group to Germany in 2016. Being in Germany, at the very places where Luther lived, brought me to tears more than once. An especially moving experience came at the Augustinian Monastery in Erfurt. Seeing Luther’s “cell,” where he beat himself and laid prostrate on the floor to “please God,” really upset me. The fact that he (and many others) did not know of Jesus’ love and forgiveness is so sad. God led Luther to change this and to tell Biblical truths to all. This IS the mission of the LWML.


Christie Steffens
LWML Missouri District President

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