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Send Me!!

Two Minute Tuesday

Isaiah 6:8  . . .  “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”  Then I said, “Here I am!  Send Me.”

I love this scripture and it has been very important in my life . . . especially when I decided to go on the five mission trips I’ve been blessed to be a part of.  I’ve been to Alaska, Guatemala, Navajo Nation twice and most recently Nicaragua.  On each trip we were prepared to minister to the local people but I was surprised to find that I always came away more blessed than I could have imagined. 

God will put us in situations where we can witness with our lives.  You don’t have to go on an organized mission trip far from home.  Right where you live is a huge mission field.  If you are asked “how do you handle your situations with such joy, peace and grace,” be sure to give the credit completely to The LORD.  Share with your neighbors, friends and family that it is not you that gets you through your daily situations . . . it is your faith, your church, your fellow believers who keep you in their prayers.  God is so good to have put us in this Mission Field right in our own back yards!!

Prayer:  Dear LORD, thank you for being my faith God who gives me the strength and guidance I need on a daily basis to handle any situation that may come my way.  Please let me be a witness to all I come in contact with no matter what the situation may be.  You are a mighty God and I love and praise you.   Amen!

Linda Larson
Utah-Idaho District President

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Easter Reflections

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John 3:16:  “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

As a child growing up, I recall Easter was filled with excitement of getting a new outfit (including a hat and gloves), Easter egg hunt after church and a special Easter dinner.  I did not fully understand the true meaning of Easter until I was older and started to attend Sunday school and Confirmation.

Later I learned that Easter is the most important day in the Christian faith.  God sent His only Son on a mission to save the world through His death and His resurrection.  Jesus’ resurrection brings a promise of eternal life to the world for whoever believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

In a few months at the 2017 convention, LWML will make a commitment to fund a new Mission Grant Goal for the 2017–2019 biennium.   LWML will promise to successfully complete their Mission Goal by March 31, 2019.   

The Time is NOW to start praying for LWML’s upcoming Mission Grant Goal – Prayers of Hope, Faith and Joy. Remember, the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League makes a difference throughout the World!

Deacon Lillian L. Biddle
Atlantic District LWML President

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Shopping for Witnessing

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Do you like to shop? Did you know your LWML jewelry and apparel can be witnessing tools?

When people comment on my pins, I explain the significance of the design, and as conversation starters for those people not familiar with the organization. When they ask where you got it, you can tell them, and explain what the logo stands for and what we do. If they are LCMS women, encourage them to get involved in your group, or a group at their church.

And, of course, what better way to show your LWML pride!

Purchase your witness wear in the LWML Store at

Janis McDaniels
Vice President of Gospel Outreach

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Gardening Adventures

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Of all the gardening adventures we have embarked upon over the years, my favorite is grapes. The vines grow quickly and produce heavily IF the branches are lovingly and thoughtfully pruned by the vine keeper. In John 15, Jesus draws an analogy between the Father, Himself, and us and the vine keeper, the main vine, and the branches. The Father prunes the branches (us) to make us more productive.

Perhaps we can also compare our LWML groups to branches. Loving and thoughtful pruning can make us more productive missionaries. Take a look at your society. Are there aspects of your current practices that could use pruning because they are weighing you down and preventing new growth or greater mission productivity? Pruning requires remaining true to the strength of the vine and care for the branches (our members) but the rewards are a more vibrant mission opportunity.  That is our purpose!

Eloise Kuhlmann
LWML Vice President of Servant Resources 2007–2011

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A woman was asked what she had been doing the past week, she answered,

     “On Monday, I ministered to Mexicans in Texas.
     Tuesday, I preached the gospel in Brazil.
     Wednesday, I operated on a man in Africa.
     Thursday, I taught in a mission school in Japan.
     Friday, I helped establish a church in California.
     Saturday, I taught seminary classes.
     Sunday, I distributed Bibles in Korea.”

Her friend, thinking her a bit “tetched” ask her to explain. “You see, by dropping monies in my Mite Box daily, I have been able to go to all these places where God the Holy Spirit is working.”


Explore God’s blessings at home and abroad through

Betty Dietrich
Gospel Outreach Committee Chairman

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What are your plans for this new year?

Two Minute Tuesday

It’s 2016, a special year. It’s a Leap Year! There is one extra day to spend serving God. What will you do with that day, and with every day God grants you this year?

Have you considered going on a mission trip? LWML groups offer great opportunities, some which may be a little (or maybe a lot!) out of your comfort zone. They are life-changing events and enable you to live out Jesus’ directive in Mark 16:15 to “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel.”

LCMS Missions, Lutheran Hour Ministries, and MOST Ministries also offer so many possibilities: VBS, Mercy Medical, construction, even prayer teams! Visit the sites to find an opportunity that interests you. If a mission trip is not a possibility, please continue to collect Mites for the 2015-2017 Mission Grants and support missions around the world.

God has given you the blessing of salvation through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus! Let’s make 2016 a year of sharing this message and ourselves whether it is here or abroad, as we Serve the Lord With Gladness!

Leslie Jaseph
Meeting Manager

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Lutheran Women in Mission

Two Minute TuesdayMake new friends and grow closer to our Lord through LWML! The Lutheran Women's Missionary League gives you an opportunity to grow in your faith and use the gifts He has given you. We are Lutheran Women in Mission. We serve others with gladness, joy, and love. Take the time to pray, study Scripture, develop leadership and confidence in our sharing our Lord's story. We are volunteers who fund our mission grants with mites and other gifts. Our mission grants are in the United States and all over the world and fund clean water, hospitals, schools, churches, and refugees, to name a few. The seminaries are also some of our grants this biennium.

Personal invitation -

When I was in my twenties and a mother to four active little girls in five years, my mother in law and aunt invited me to go to their missionary league meetings with them. I learned that the Lutheran Women's Missionary League is a faith walk. Keep the focus of the meeting on serving the Lord with joy and enthusiasm. Emphasize the mission. Know Christ and make Him known. You develop the gifts, talents, and opportunities the Lord has given you. The mission goal is $2,000,000.00 this biennium for the grants voted on at our convention in Iowa this summer. Pray for these grants.

Betty Duda
LWML President 1987-1991

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