
Word — The Time is NOW

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2-Minute Tuesdays 12/28/2021

I Am Not Alone

Two Minute Tuesday

As Christmas celebrations slow down and friends and family return homewe may feel all alone at times. However, God is always with us. Isaiah 41:10 says, So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

As Lutheran Women in Mission, serving others keeps us from being alone. Visiting the shut-ins of your church; calling an LWML member you have not seen for a while and inviting her to lunch; sharing your time with a young mom by caring for her children (you will never feel alone with children around); or offering your service at the church office — all opportunities to counter loneliness. 

The best way —pick up your Bible and spend time in God’s Word. He promises to be with you. You may be by yourself, but you are never alone. 

Pam Kercher, President
LWML Montana District

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2-Minute Tuesday 11/30/2021

Two Minute Tuesday

Making Jesus the Center of My Focus

The four short weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas can feel like a ride down a slide; each day gaining momentum causing me to take my eyes off Jesus and get wrapped up in the trappings of the holiday. 

This year I’m going to make a conscious effort to center my mind and heart on Jesus, and push aside the many distractions that so easily entangle me. My plan is to reduce my cookie baking, relax my desire for a perfectly decorated home, and to stay well within my budget for gift giving. 

My focus will be on Jesus — our Redeemer and Risen Lord. 

My plan is to read the Bible daily, pray regularly, attend worship services, and to limit my social visits and obligations. Some resources I can use to guide my Scripture readings are the many Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly Bible studies, archived and available for everyone at Why not see which of these studies can help you keep your eyes on Jesus — the true Reason for the Season!

Linda Guteres
LWML Atlantic District

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2-Minute Tuesday 11/16/2021

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Do not be Anxious About Anything…

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God (Philippians 4:6 NIV).

Sometimes it’s difficult to separate the things we can control and the things that we can’t.  Many suffer sleepless nights trying to figure out how they can fix a problem, only to realize it isn’t within their control.

We prayerfully turn the problem over to God, only to pick it up again. Is it due to a lack of trust that some are unable to let go and let God take control?  The Simple Trust Mustard Seed Devotions can help us through this process!

If you would like to receive similar helpful Mustard Seed Devotions  daily via email, go to the website and scroll to the bottom of the page where you’ll find “Stay in Touch” and “Sign up today!”

Your sister in Christ,
Darlene Keca, President
LWML English District

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2-Minute Tuesday 10/5/2021

Two Minute Tuesday

Follow the SON!

The LWML Kansas District is using “Follow the SON” as the president’s theme and focus from 2020–2024. I share this with you and hope you are inspired. The letters in the word “SON” remind us, that as Lutheran Women in Mission, we 

            Serve grace-fully (being full of grace); 

            serve and follow in joyful Obedience; and 

            do so with a New focus.

To help us stay focused on the Son, we are using the LWML Bible study “Focus Lost … Focus Restored” by Rev. John Heckmann. The study looks at 14 unique personalities from the Bible who lost their focus, but had it restored by God, our heavenly Father. This Bible study can be found here as a free download.

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12).

Follow the SON!

Kim Burdett, President
LWML Kansas District

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2-Minute Tuesday 9/21/2021

Two Minute Tuesday

“Why, God?”

Have you ever had one of “those days?” Among other challenges, my latest “day” included receiving a letter from the IRS indicating an ongoing issue had not yet been resolved, and a daughter traveling to Hawaii who had not yet received her necessary Covid test results. I felt frustrated and angry! “Why, God?” 

My daily Bible reading that morning ended with Ruth, chapter one. Naomi, returning to Bethlehem, said she should be named Mara, meaning “bitter,” because the Almighty had brought calamity on her. That day I felt like calling myself “Mara.”

Working through my anger, Be still, and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10) came to mind, singing “Jesus Loves Me” also alleviated my stress. While looking at reSOURCEs for Planning Programs for August 2021 on the LWML website, I found a Bible study, “Why God? Trusting in God’s Goodness in Times of Disappointment and Anger.” 

I’m so thankful our Lord provides just the right resources to help us, not only for an LWML gathering, but also for personal Bible study and encouragement. 

Martha E. Dubke, President
LWML California-Nevada-Hawaii District

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2-Minute Tuesday 8/24/2021

Two Minute Tuesday

We Know His Promises

During the pandemic, I have enjoyed spending time putting together jigsaw puzzles. When working on a particularly challenging one, I thought how difficult it would be to complete without knowing what the finished puzzle would look like.

Isn’t that a lot like our life in this world? Like a challenging puzzle, by faith we know what the finished puzzle looks like! No matter the trials, hardships, or burdens we encounter, we run the race the Lord has mapped out for us, knowing He runs ahead of us, beside us, and behind us. We run toward the promised gift of an eternity spent with Him.

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us (Romans 8:18).

As Lutheran Women in Mission, assured of our salvation, we share the life-saving Gospel message with others through the Word, our service, and our mite offerings.

Sharon Dever, President
LWML New England District

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God is Your GPS

Two Minute Tuesday

On a Saturday morning, I drove a few of the women from my church to attend the LWML zone spring event being held at Peace Lutheran Church in Washington, DC. What a road trip! I had my GPS on, and even when I missed a turn, the GPS would re-calculate to get me back in the right direction.

Just like the GPS, God does the same thing. We might stray away or take a different path than what He intended, but He will not abandon us. He’s our GPS and will lead us back to the proper direction, to share our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with others.

The Lord will keep you from all harm – he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore – (Psalm 121:7–8 NIV).

Teresa Tester, President
LWML Chesapeake District

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