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Come and See

Come and See


Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man (Psalm 66:5).

This is the theme for LWML Sunday 2016.

God calls us to “Come and See” how He brings about His salvation in the most unexpected ways and places, and to the most unlikely people. God invites us to be surprised by His awesome deeds of salvation in Jesus Christ even today, among people whom we might think least likely to receive His blessings. The Lord surprises us. So Come and See!

nullDr. Leopoldo A. Sánchez M

The LWML thanks Dr. Leopoldo A. Sánchez M. for writing this year’s materials.  Dr. Sánchez is the Werner R. H. and Elizabeth R. Krause Professor of Hispanic Ministries at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

Click here to see all the resources available for LWML Sunday 2016. Many are available as FREE downloads.


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Help promote mite giving in your congregation on LWML Sunday and all year long by ordering Individual and Children’s Mite Boxes.
(These items are free with shipping and handling.)

Electronic methods of giving are also available by automatic withdrawal through Joyful Response® or LWML website’s online donation process.

Enjoy God’s Bounty

Enjoy God’s Bounty

nullVisiting my mom on our family farm during the summer months is always fun. She’s an avid gardener and we all reap the bounty God provides through Mom’s efforts. This soil, however, produces only after planning, preparation, seeding, weeding, and protecting the plants growing under the sun.

As Lutheran women across the nation gather together in their communities they are able to reap the bounty of God’s grace and wisdom. The LWML has done the planning and preparation and provides many resources for group inspiration right here on this website. Many Bible studies and devotions can be downloaded for free. As women study God’s Word together, pray for and support missions, and serve Him by serving others, they truly do grow as Lutheran Women in Mission!

Check out all the resources and enjoy the bounty of our Lord!


A Quiet Time

A Quiet Time

He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. Psalm 23:2


Camping is the favorite summertime activity for my husband and myself. We love camping at Camp CILCA, Central Illinois Lutheran Camp Association, near Springfield. The camp is over two hundred acres of woods, a small lake, and lots of hiking trails. We love the quiet evenings by the campfire visiting with friends, but I especially enjoy the peaceful early mornings. Often I’ll take my devotions to one of the many outdoor worship areas. I spend this quiet time worshiping God and enjoying His beautiful creation with only the bird songs to interrupt the quiet.

This summer take time to enjoy God’s creation.

“Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10a

Check out for great devotions and Bible Studies and go find a quiet place to spend time with God and enjoy His beautiful creation.




nullThis word can conjure up many images.

Children enjoying summer vacation — freedom!

Youth getting their driver’s licenses — freedom!

Fourth of July — celebrating freedom!

Those suffering persecution and slavery who are seeking — freedom!

Those of us who have our freedom in and through Christ desire to respond. How? In his letter to the Galatians Paul declares,
For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Galatians 5:13-14).

Need some ideas? Check out the Mission Servants Activity of the Month here.

May our loving response as redeemed children of God glorify our Savior!





For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them (Matthew 18:20).

It's Lutheran Women's Missionary League district convention season! Across America women, men and children are gathering together to worship, work on servants events, donate needed items for those in their communities, vote on mission projects, and elect leaders to serve in district positions. In the early years of LWML, those who embraced a vision of service to the Lord did many of these same things.

While the world has changed, along with methods of getting things done, the passion for the work of LWML remains constant through "Mission Education, Mission Inspiration, Mission Service and Financial Grants for Mission Needs."

nullAre you coming to the big reunion in 2017? This year as you enjoy the embrace of your LWML sisters in Christ in your district, plan your trip to Albuquerque, New Mexico. It will be a wonderful time of reunion at the Diamond Dazzle Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the LWML at the 37th Biennial Convention, June 22-25, 2017. More information at

Count me in — I'll see you there!


Dealing with the Shock of Death

Dealing with the Shock of Death

The news is full of tragic shootings, bomb blasts and other works of evil. I found this Mustard Seed Devotion from the Mustard Seed Packet, “In Times of Need”, to share with you.

nullDealing with the Shock of Death

And there followed [Jesus] a great multitude of the people and of women who were mourning and lamenting for him (Luke 23:27).

As Jesus was being led away to be crucified, the community was in shock. Mourning and lamenting ensued. From triumph to tragedy, He was being led out of the city to die. Things had changed so quickly.

When news breaks of unexpected, often tragic, deaths in a community, the shock spreads rapidly. The lives of police officers, firefighters, public officials, even innocent children can be ended suddenly while going about their daily routines. Communities are shaken to the core in the wake of such deadly tragedies.

Coping with tragic community deaths is difficult. But Jesus understands such circumstances. He walked in them. He died for them. In the midst of mourning and lamenting He brings hope and consolation. St. Peter reminds us, Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you (1Peter 5:7 NIV). Tragic times call for transcending faith in Jesus who overcame death so we can spend eternity with Him.

We pray: O Lord, help me to cope with death and tragedy in my community, looking to You for hope and consolation because You went the way of the cross for me and for my salvation. In Your holy name. Amen.

May your hearts and minds be filled with God’s peace as only He can give.
President Patti

Taken from “In Times of Need” Mustard Seed Devotions, written by Rev. Larry Krueger, Rev. Mike Mattil, and Rev. Kris Whitby.

Be sure you are signed up for emailed Mustard Seed Devotions and LWML eNews by going here.


Walking for Missions

Walking for Missions

nullImagine taking a walk with several thousand individuals who are all wearing the same color shirt, all of them walking for the Lord. Yes, it has happened in the past, and it can happen again, and it will be done when you attend and join the Mission Pledge Walk at the LWML convention next summer in Albuquerque, New Mexico on June 22–25, 2017.


nullIn 2015 at the LWML convention in Des Moines, Iowa over $101,500 was pledged and received for the 2015–2017 biennium’s new $2,000,000 mite goal (the largest goal ever), all as a result of thousands of individuals putting one foot ahead of the other and walking together for the Lord’s work in mission fields around the world. Let’s do it again! Put on your comfortable shoes and walk with joy-filled hearts for the Lord’s mission of bringing the Good News to those around the world. You’ll never regret your commitment to Serving the Lord with Gladness! I’ll be walking with you.



LWML Resources