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Family Celebration Time

nullSummer is well under way! Families are getting together for picnics, BBQs, reunions and fun in the sunshine.

Lutheran Women in Mission will have a big family gathering next week at the 37th Biennial Convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 22-25, 2017.  While some may not be able to attend the convention, everyone can join in the celebration by watching via livestreaming throughout the convention.

You will want to watch on Saturday, June 24, for the Diamond Dazzle, which starts at 7:30 p.m. (Mountain Time) with a parade. There is still time to put together a "Watch Party" in your home or at church. Invite your Bible study, Sunday School or small group to join you. Need some ideas for the party?  Click here for great ways to have fun from your corner of LWML country. Share your ideas on your district and LWML Facebook page.

For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them (Matt 18:20).


So you can’t attend the convention …

So you can’t attend the convention in Albuquerque on June 22–25, 2017?

Even though you may not attend in person, you can still be part of this exciting convention from the comfort of your very own home. LWML will be livestreaming convention sessions so you can still participate in the convention’s Bible study, hear the grateful and enlightening mission grants speakers, and be on hand when the new biennium’s mission goal and mission grants are announced.

In addition, via Livestream, you’ll be able to celebrate LWML’s 75th anniversary and be on hand when LWML’s exciting new look is revealed.

Even though miles apart, we can celebrate the One who has made us new through His sacrifice on the cross for the forgiveness of sins. The One whose name is above all names — Jesus Christ!

You can even send in a mission offering by clicking the following link, or by sending it to your district treasurer or the LWML office.

Let’s attend convention together!


Bible Studies for Convention and Home

I’m very excited about the Bible studies being offered at our 37th Biennial Convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 22–25! I’ve recently seen the convention Bible study to be led by Deaconess Betty Knapp. Everyone can participate in this. If you are not attending the convention it will be livestreamed for you to enjoy at home.

There are several “Wake Up With the Word” Bible studies offered on Friday and Saturday mornings before the convention sessions begin from 6:45–7:45. No prior registration is required; just grab your breakfast or coffee from a convention center concession and choose your study from the following.


1. An LWML Bible Study, led by Jan Brunette. "The Wondrous Cross"

2. A Spanish LWML Bible Study, led by Marilyn McClure. "¡Dios No Cambia!"

3. A CPH-sponsored Bible Study, led by Deb Burma. "Sip, Savor, and Drink Deeply: Receive God's Overflowing Gifts"


1. An LWML Bible Study, led by Janice Wendorf. “God Above All Gods”

2. A Bible Study led by the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces Chaplain Craig Muehler and Chaplain Steven Hokana. “Jesus Christ, our Refuge and Strength Above All”

3. A CPH-sponsored Bible Study, led by Donna Pyle. “Living Forgiven”

In the LWML store you can purchase our new “Balance” series Bible studies. You can meet Donna Pyle, author of our new DVD Bible Study, “Peter … from Fisherman to Fisher of Men”. Visit the LWML Christian Life exhibit and find more Bible studies and devotions written to fit your needs for personal or group studies.

LWML—Lutheran Women in Mission have always taken their mission inspiration from Scripture. That is one part of our 75 years of history that will remain the same.


Fun for the Whole Family


Do you look forward to LWML Conventions as a big reunion and an opportunity to re-connect with sisters in Christ from around the country or as a family-friendly vacation opportunity?

If you haven’t thought about the vacation angle, check out the following events which are scheduled to take place before, during, and after the 37th Biennial LWML Convention in Albuquerque, June 22–25, 2017:

  • Fourth Tee Up 4 Mites will be taking place on Wednesday, June 21, 2017, beginning at 8 a.m., at the Arroyo del Oso Golf Course in Albuquerque. Teens welcome! Proceeds raised during this event will be given to the 2017–2019 Mission Goal.
  • Servant Connections where men, women, and children 14 years of age and older are encouraged to help assemble items for Lutheran World Relief, work on Braille books, mark Bibles, and more.
  • The Mission In Motion/Mission Pledge Walk, Friday afternoon, June 23, from 5–6 p.m. prior to the dinner hour. This is a great opportunity to take in the scenery of Albuquerque with your family while raising money for missions.
  • Camp Insta Friends (Child/Youth Activities) for children 6 months through high school-aged youth. Trips to local attractions like Roadrunner Food Bank, Albuquerque BioPark, and Hinkle Family Fun Center will provide servant event and entertainment opportunities.
  • Pre- and post-convention tours: Come early or stay late to experience Albuquerque and other areas of New Mexico! From hot air balloon rides to tours of local pueblos, check out the details at

Come see the land of enchantment, celebrate LWML’s 75th Anniversary, and praise “Jesus Christ Above All!”



Forty days from Easter is Ascension Day. This week on May 25, we celebrate the Ascension of our Lord. ‘He ascended into Heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty’. Thanks be to God.

The 37th Biennial Convention of the LWML is just weeks away. We will also celebrate 75 years of serving the Lord with gladness. You will have the opportunity to meet some Heart to Heart Sisters before you even get there by checking our Facebook page regularly for H2H sister profiles. I am excited that we have so many people attending the Church Workers in Mission luncheon to learn and share in partnership, the mission and ministry of the LWML. Adding to our celebration are a record number of Young Woman Representatives attending convention. Something else to celebrate indeed.

It will be hard to hug all the estimated 3,500 people that will attend, so I plan to get started as soon as I get there. Walk-ins welcomed, so it is not too late to get in on the celebration. Stay in the area a while, and make it your family vacation.


Celebrate in Albuquerque or at Home!


As Lutheran Women in Mission, we are looking forward to the June 22-25, 2017 LWML Convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico where we will celebrate 75 years of serving the Lord with gladness. We will reunite with old friends, find inspiration in stories from the mission field, and even conduct some necessary business! But what if you can’t travel and attend? You can celebrate in your own home and congregation!

Gather together with your friends and family and watch the convention as it is livestreamed. Sing and pray along with thousands of women and men, take a special LWML Thank Offering, and share some stories from the mission field found on this website with your group.

God has blessed the LWML and we are honored to share His blessings now and into the future. We have reason to celebrate!

In His service, filled with His joy,


Gifts from the Heart

nullIt’s getting closer! The LWML 37th Biennial Convention in Albuquerque is just weeks away. So much to do, so many lists! Gifts from the Heart is on my list of things to bring. I hope it’s on your list too. School items, baby items, health items. So much need. These gifts will be going to four different recipients. Their information and specific items requested on the flier found at

All of the items are much needed gifts for many of God’s children. The women of the LWML have been bringing gifts to conventions for many, many years. Let’s make this 75th Anniversary year a year to remember.

If you are unable to come, gather items and send with your zone delegate or find a place near your congregation to share these same items. Most of all, pray for these organizations. They were selected because they share the Gospel of our Lord along with the mercy work that they do.



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