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11/19/2019 Weekly article 4

Giving Tuesday 2019 — Making a Difference in a Changing World

2019-2021 LWML Mission Grant — Ministry in Motion, Trinity Lutheran Church, Mobile, AL — $58,000

“Ministry in Motion – Trinity Lutheran Church, Mobile, Alabama,” is one of the grant recipients for this biennium; $58,000 was requested to purchase a handicapped accessible church bus. Why do they need this grant?


What would you do if you knew that children in your community did not know Christ, did not have Christ-centered care, and were not able to receive these things because they could not get to where the care is provided? This grant makes it possible for Trinity Lutheran Church in Mobile to reach children who need to hear about Jesus. These children will be shown Christ Jesus and given the care that they so desperately need.

Giving Tuesday is December 3. Your mites will help Trinity reach out into the community so the children may hear of Jesus their Savior, grow in faith in Him, as well as touch the lives of their families. As you drop your mites into your box, say this prayer:

Lord God, please use these mites to bring the children of the Mobile, Alabama, community into fellowship with You. We pray that Trinity Lutheran Church will be able to purchase the vehicle that they need in order to reach these families. Amen.

Rev. Mitchel Schuessler

11/19/2019 Weekly article 2

Giving Tuesday 2019 — Making a Difference in a Changing World

2019-2021 Mission Grant #18 — Sri Lanka Multipurpose Building Construction — Office of International Mission — $50,000

nullConstruction Site

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has flourished in Sri Lanka since the 1920s, with four active congregations and seven preaching stations. The Ceylon Evangelical Lutheran Church has purchased land to construct a building that will house the sanctuary, administrative offices, and theological classrooms, funded with our mites.

Over the years, Lutherans in Sri Lanka have suffered great persecution. Recently Pastor Edward Naumann wrote to us about the deadly bombings at Christian churches on the island. Learning about the bombings during his Easter service, he preached, “We rejoice for these newly baptized infants, no matter what hardships, persecutions, or difficulties they may face because of their baptism, because we know that an everlasting inheritance is prepared for all who are in Christ.”

nullPre seminary students praying

After arriving home safely with his family, he wrote to Lutheran Women in Mission: “Please continue to pray for Sri Lanka, commending us to the care of our loving Father. Lord, have mercy! In these last days, may the light of the Gospel of Christ shine into the darkness, and may we be a light to the nations. Amen.”

Even with all that was happening at the time, Rev. Naumann took time to write to us, asking for prayers. Maybe he knew we’re especially good at prayers. And we are. We’re also good at supporting ministries such as this one through our mite offerings. Pray that Rev. Naumann, his family, and his country be lifted up to God’s care. Thank you for giving this Giving Tuesday, December 3.

Susan Donnelly

11/19/2019 Weekly article 6

Giving Tuesday 2019 — Making a Difference in a Changing World

2017-2019 LWML Mission Grant
Lutheran Children’s Books for Families Worldwide, Lutheran Heritage Foundation

As a little girl, one of the first Christian books I received was a set of comic books covering the whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. It was an easy read, with illustrations, and I delighted in reading the Bible stories as well as many of Jesus’ parables. A 2017-2019 LWML Mission Grant, Lutheran Children’s Books for Families Worldwide, Lutheran Heritage Foundation, provided the same thing: Bible story books for children. These children live in many countries around the world; the books were written in their own language and introduced them to Jesus.

Your mite offerings made publishing books possible in these languages:

•  Bahasa (Indonesia)
•  Farsi, Western (Iran/Germany)
•  Jingpho, Kachin (Burma)       
•  Russian (Russia)
•  Spanish (Americas)
•  Chinese (China)
•  Swahili (Kenya/Tanzania)
•  Kusaal, Komba, Bimoba, Akan (Ghana)
•  Somali (Somalia)
•  Thai, Bahasa, Vietnamese, Hill Tribe Dialects (Southeast Asia)

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On Giving Tuesday, December 3, your donation will be matched. Please donate at; your support is needed. Continue to pray for all mission grant recipients.

Marie Chow

11/19/2019 Weekly article 7

Giving Tuesday 2019 — Making a Difference in a Changing World

2019–2021 Mission Grant — Hope and Healing Hub of Downtown Lincoln — University Lutheran Chapel — $50,000

What really matters to you? Chances are, it’s your home, job, church, family, friends, and, most important, your relationship with our Savior. But what if someone doesn’t know Jesus?

With God working through the funds we collect in our Mite Boxes, people can learn about Jesus’ saving power. The University Lutheran Chapel in Lincoln, Nebraska, the recipient of our 2019–2021 LWML Mission Grant #14, Hope & Healing Hub of Downtown Lincoln ($50,000), serves the area through worship, Bible study, and service opportunities.


Many young adults struggle with loneliness, anxiety, depression, and thoughts of suicide. As Lutheran parents, we raised our children in the faith through God’s Word and Sacraments. Others, however, were not brought up in Christian homes and have never heard the hope of the Gospel. I became acutely aware of this situation through family members who have personal connections with them.

The University Chapel will use grant funds to renovate their building, making it more inviting as they offer Christian counseling services through GracePoint Institute for Relational Health. Your mites and prayers can make a difference in the lives of young adults as they are provided hope through Jesus Christ. Give generously this Giving Tuesday, December 3.

Karla Koehler

11/19/2019 Weekly article 8

Giving Tuesday 2019 — Making a Difference in a Changing World

2015–2017 Mission Grant #11 — Opportunities in Uganda — Women of the Pearl and Seminary Completion — $100,000

It is rare you hear that something is your fault in the LWML world of love between sisters and brothers in Christ. LWML women greet each other with smiles and hugs, we build each other up with positive reinforcement and love. So who would dare tell LWML women that something was their fault?

nullIf you attended the LWML Mobile Convention this past summer you would have heard mission speaker, Lynn Corker. Lynn, as a lay missionary, has been involved in developing women’s ministry in Uganda. Women of the Pearl provide education in literacy, nutrition, personal hygiene, business and agriculture to women so they may be equipped to serve God and help support pastors, congregations and communities through teaching of the scripture.

nullHow does this have anything to do with anyone being at fault? As Lynn Corker told everyone, through your mite dollars YOU have changed the lives of women by allowing them to learn and love Jesus and it’s your fault! It’s your fault that an entire nation will be changed for generations to come — your mite offerings have helped to break ground on a seminary and build a library. The seminary will double the number of pastors who will preach God’s word in Uganda and it’s your fault! Lynn stated that we have a God who takes something so simple as coins in a box and changes the lives of so many and He does it all through you.

On Giving Tuesday, December 3, remember that your mite donation will change someone's life forever, and yes, it will be your fault!


11/19/2019 Weekly article 9

Giving Tuesday 2019 — Making a Difference in a Changing World

2019-2021 Mission Grant #12 — Women’s Witness and Mercy in Asia — Mission Central — $100,000


With each coin or bill I put in one of my Mite Boxes scattered around the house I pray for a particular mission grant. Today, the Holy Spirit brought to my mind the 2019-2021 LWML Mission Grant #12, Women’s Witness and Mercy in Asia. Our missionaries throughout Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Macau and Southeast Asia serve God in a very secular environment. These women teach English as a second language, build relationships and share the reason for their hope and acts of mercy … Jesus, our Savior and Lord.

Your donations on Giving Tuesday, December 3, 2019 will help support Mission Grant #12, Women’s Witness and Mercy in Asia and will provide assurance that Mission Central can keep our missionaries in an area where they are able to share Jesus and His mercy with those who are hungry to hear the Gospel


11/18/2019 Weekly article 2

Giving Tuesday 2019 — Making a Difference in a Changing World

2017–2019 Mission Grant — Mercy House for Women and Children — $100,000

Being assigned my deaconess internship at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Flint, Michigan, was an eye-opening experience. My home in rural northwest Missouri was very different from this city of 200,000 where auto manufacturing and its related industries employed the majority of the population. Yet homelessness, unemployment, and poverty crept into the landscape of the city as the auto industry experienced a downturn during the 1970s.

The challenges of living in Flint were compounded four decades later with the Flint water crisis. Lead-tainted water had been allowed to flow through the drinking water pipes, causing additional hardships for the residents. The social problems that arose seemed insurmountable.

nullPeople at the Franklin Avenue Mission in Flint sought to shine God’s light into the community by meeting the needs of their poverty-stricken neighbors. They established Mercy House, a safe place for homeless, pregnant and/or abused women and their children. The facility seeks to break the cycle of poverty and decrease the potential for abuse by housing women and children in a safe, caring, Christian environment, where parenting and relationship building can be modeled. The long-term transitional housing facility received a $100,000 LWML Mission Grant at the 2017 Albuquerque convention to be used to renovate and furnish the residence.

Our Mite Box contributions have helped Franklin Avenue Mission and the Mercy House positively impact the lives of those receiving care through their programs. Thank you for giving generously this Giving Tuesday, December 3.

Deaconess Betty Knapp


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