Laborers into His Harvest

And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Luke 10:2).

Many of us may think of Labor Day as the end of summer and a time to do something enjoyable before the fall activities begin. My husband and I plan to visit our out-of-state grandsons prior to school starting. Did you know that Labor Day is recognized in the USA as a holiday to recognize the works and contributions of laborers?

Jesus tells us in the passage above to pray for the sending of laborers into His harvest. As Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML), we strive to pray for all church workers and our mighty mites help support the sharing of the Good News throughout our country and the world.

Does your local LWML group help support a missionary? On our website is a Missionary Care Flyer that can assist you in ways to encourage a missionary and their family. One thing we often sent to missionary friends was packages of ballons for their kiddos. Whether it be a card of encouragement or a package of treats, remember those laborers out in the mission fields.

Arlene Naasz