Fish Story = Fishers of Men

And Jesus said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men” (Mark 1:17).a

Our ranch has a fishing pond and the grandsons spend hours there catching fish — most are released. Early this summer, the two youngest had quite the fishing tale about a bass — “It was at least six pounds.” “No, I think it was ten!” They were excited to tell that the fish had pulled the pole into the pond, but they had to use the other pole to snag it, to finally reel in the fish.

Lutheran Women in Mission has hundreds of resources to fit your group’s programming needs. I searched for “fishing” and found a clever sketch of four “fishy” women and how their Bible study shared about Jesus — God’s own Son — with their new friend. They told how the world lures us with temptations, but being hooked by Jesus is much different than the world. Free in the waters of His Grace, we also gladly share this Good News as fishers of men!

Click HERE to access “Hook, Line, and Sinker.” Now this is a fish story you can believe!

a The Greek word anthropoi refers here to both men and women.

Brenda Piester