
β€œHe is not here, for he has risen,” (Matt 28:6a).

Of all the holy days, Easter stands out above them all. Christmas is when Jesus was born but some give more importance to decorating and giving gifts. Think what Easter Day says.

  • It proves that Jesus is who He said.
  • It proves that we can believe everything Jesus says.
  • It proves that God has power over everything, including death.
  • It proves that Jesus is the Messiah who came to complete salvation.
  • Finally, it proves that having faith in Jesus, we can have full and complete confidence that, since Jesus arose from the dead, we, too, will rise from the dead.

Even more we can believe in confidence that, at our resurrection, He will take us to Himself into the glories of heaven. So, yes, it is the most important day of the year. We celebrate it, all year, in one way or another, but for 50 solid days, we especially celebrate during the Season of Easter.

Rev. Gary Piepkorn