Seek His Face

carving of Jesus' face

Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually! (Psalm 105:4).

Have you ever felt that the weight of the world was resting on your shoulders? On days like that, when our burdens seem too hard handle, we may want to close our eyes and ears and hide from all that is happening around us. We find comfort in the words of Psalm 105:4 that remind us to keep our eyes on Jesus, seeking Him continually, for Jesus is where we find our strength.

In this season of Lent, with incredible wonder and awe, we see our Savior bearing our burden—the sins of the whole world—and loving us so much that nothing would stop Him until He could say, “It is finished.” He knows the burdens of this life and will give us the strength to bear whatever comes our way.

To help you as you seek the Lord each day, go to and search devotions, Bible studies, or podcasts. You will find great resources that will continue to point you to the One who gives you strength for each day.

Mary Smith